Food For a Liver Cleanse

There are a lot of things on your list that would work great in a stir-fry. I'm surprised that another animal's liver (chicken) is actually considered a good thing to cleanse a human liver, but since it's the only meat on the list, throw it in the wok!

I was also surprised by this.

The argument made by the creator of the video seems to be that chickens themselves are fed heavily processed foods so the chickens we eat could also be considered processed.
The argument made by the creator of the video seems to be that chickens themselves are fed heavily processed foods so the chickens we eat could also be considered processed.

I would have thought if this was the theory then the chicken's liver would be the most toxic part! The author of this video is not a medical expert. It seems to be produced by a Christian organisation and the video begins by asserting that many of us believe the end is nigh - total solar eclipse or some such nonsense! I could probably find a load of other videos which offer advice on liver 'de-tox' - and I can bet they will all suggest different foods and different methods! @Karen W is quite right - its not really advisable to follow internet advice.

In this particular case the list of foods is perfectly fine and there is nothing there which is going cause any problems - so its harmless. But I'd take it with a pinch of salt if I were you!
I would have thought if this was the theory then the chicken's liver would be the most toxic part! The author of this video is not a medical expert. It seems to be produced by a Christian organisation and the video begins by asserting that many of us believe the end is nigh - total solar eclipse or some such nonsense! I could probably find a load of other videos which offer advice on liver 'de-tox' - and I can bet they will all suggest different foods and different methods! @Karen W is quite right - its not really advisable to follow internet advice.

In this particular case the list of foods is perfectly fine and there is nothing there which is going cause any problems - so its harmless. But I'd take it with a pinch of salt if I were you!

The video does hook by using a combination of fear and the promise of a higher quality of life. Although he does state that fasting is good for the liver.

I am thinking that the 3 day water fast that several YouTubers have spoke of could be the way forward.
The video does hook by using a combination of fear and the promise of a higher quality of life. Although he does state that fasting is good for the liver.

I am thinking that the 3 day water fast that several YouTubers have spoke of could be the way forward.

It could also make you very ill. I honestly wouldn't do it. You really don't need it. Get lots of exercise and eat fresh foods - that will work wonders. Did you say you are a student? You need all your energy to study - fasting will make you feel very weak.
The end is nigh?

I sure picked a bad time to quit drinking...

I'll drink to that!:cheers: And have your share as well!:hyper: "The lady she hails from Trinidad, island of the spices. Salt for your meat, cinnamon sweet and the RUM is for all your good vices."
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Writing as someone who has recently had his gallbladder removed due to wayward gallstones causing acute pancreatitis I can only advise that if you suspect you have gallstones go and get it checked by a competent professional, not some quack on you-tube or whatever.
I found out I had gallstones earlier this year and in an attempt to shift them and avoid surgery I took a certain substance which allegedly widens the opening of the gallbladder. Whether what I tried had any affect at all I don't know, the surgeon thinks it unlikely, but a gallstone did come loose from my gallbladder and lodged in the junction of the pancreatic duct. Cue the most appalling pain I've ever experienced, uncontrollable retching, sweating and I apparently turned yellow (I was in far too much pain to notice anything.)
I was rushed to hospital, morphined up to the eyeballs, and on a starvation diet for a week or so. When it subsided I was allowed home but on a severely fat restricted diet.
Then eventually my gallbladder was removed and I am now almost back to normal.
Almost, but not quite. The problem with a gallstone blocking your pancreatic duct is that your pancreas is one of the organs involved in digestion. It releases a couple of enzymes that are time delayed so that they only become active when they reach your bowel. if you have a blockage at the pancreatic duct those enzymes cannot leave your pancreas and activate while still in your pancreas. a process called autodigestion then takes place whereby the pancreas starts digesting itself (hence the pain I suppose). So, as my pancreas is possibly damaged I have been warned off spirits for the foreseeable future and any other alcohol is strictly limited.
Don't mess around with quackery, get it checked properly.

@morning glory There is a great article on News Thump about liver detox (a satirical news website) but it is a bit sweary, is it ok to post a link with a NSFW warning?
Writing as someone who has recently had his gallbladder removed due to wayward gallstones causing acute pancreatitis I can only advise that if you suspect you have gallstones go and get it checked by a competent professional, not some quack on you-tube or whatever.
I found out I had gallstones earlier this year and in an attempt to shift them and avoid surgery I took a certain substance which allegedly widens the opening of the gallbladder. Whether what I tried had any affect at all I don't know, the surgeon thinks it unlikely, but a gallstone did come loose from my gallbladder and lodged in the junction of the pancreatic duct. Cue the most appalling pain I've ever experienced, uncontrollable retching, sweating and I apparently turned yellow (I was in far too much pain to notice anything.)
I was rushed to hospital, morphined up to the eyeballs, and on a starvation diet for a week or so. When it subsided I was allowed home but on a severely fat restricted diet.
Then eventually my gallbladder was removed and I am now almost back to normal.
Almost, but not quite. The problem with a gallstone blocking your pancreatic duct is that your pancreas is one of the organs involved in digestion. It releases a couple of enzymes that are time delayed so that they only become active when they reach your bowel. if you have a blockage at the pancreatic duct those enzymes cannot leave your pancreas and activate while still in your pancreas. a process called autodigestion then takes place whereby the pancreas starts digesting itself (hence the pain I suppose). So, as my pancreas is possibly damaged I have been warned off spirits for the foreseeable future and any other alcohol is strictly limited.
Don't mess around with quackery, get it checked properly.

@morning glory There is a great article on News Thump about liver detox (a satirical news website) but it is a bit sweary, is it ok to post a link with a NSFW warning?

Gosh - that is some story. I very much doubt that there is anything wrong with @Eating Chicken as he is a young man and gallstones or liver damage would be a rarity. But as you say - always go to the doctor if you think something is wrong.
Here is the link - warning regarding language:

What the f** is a ‘detox’? asks your liver
Citrus Fruits: Fruits like grapefruit, oranges, limes, and lemons all increase the liver’s cleansing capability. Even absorbed in small amounts citrus fruits help the liver to produce the detoxifying enzymes that flush out pollutants
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