Food items you no longer buy


Legendary Member
30 Jul 2020
Local time
9:50 AM
Are there are any foods you stopped buying? What were your reasons for no longer buying that item?

In my case I stopped buying breakfast cereals. The ones I ate as a kid and young adult were full of sugar and really not healthy. I only buy corn flakes.

I also rarely buy yogurts nowadays, once again the ones I used to eat had too much sugar and I started making my own yogurt at home too which is cheaper and healthier.

Also no longer buying ham, it's not healthy and I stopped buying it years ago.

What are some of yours?
I also don't buy breakfast cereal anymore and stopped that probably 20 yrs ago. I don't buy or use refined seed oils aka vegetable oil anymore and use unrefined evoo, avocado and coconut oil and the rest of my fats are animal. These are for health reasons. I'm consciously trying to reduce the amount of sugar in my diet and all carbs are sugar to the body so I'm trying to consume less carbs overall as well.

Other than that, some foods I describe as less healthy and limit their consumption are refined grains in general and use more whole like quinoa, barley, Farro, for example. Limit fruit intake and eat when in season except berries, I do consume them all yr around. Milk, just for coffee. I use heavy cream though. Meats, I'm pretty picky and buy local or from reputable sources and stay away from supermarket proteins generally speaking.

Not sure why ham would be unhealthy although some I suspect are full of chemicals that I would rather not consume. Cheers
I quit buying bread because I prefer the stuff I make myself. I do still buy a loaf of white bread for my squirrel's peanut butter sandwiches. I give them a variety of nuts and seeds too, but when it's really cold out they like to grab a square of sandwich and "squirrel" it away in their nests rather than sitting in the snow on the deck eating it.

It's not so much as what I don't buy as what I have started buying. I am buying more fruits and vegetables now than I used to because I had to make some changes in my diet. I still use butter, cream, bacon, etc. but just more moderately. I never really liked ham by itself, but I love it in bean soup.

I quit buying cereal and milk altogether when the kids moved out. Along with those packages of ramen noodles and boxed macaroni and cheese, but that's not been a recent thing (7 years ago). Oh, and canned soup. I quit buying beef (for the most part) recently because in the US, prices on beef have risen exponentially more than chicken has. So we are still eating a lot of seafood and chicken but beef, not so much.

I am sure I can think of a few other things I quit buying over the past but nothing comes to mind immediately.
Another food item I stopped buying: cookies. Once again too much sugar and no real nutrition value. I only buy corn cookies every now and then.
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