Food Nostalgia


16 Nov 2014
Local time
6:20 PM
Washington, USA
Is there a food that you eat that brings back memories from your childhood? For me it is shrimp and chips/fries. When I was young my mom used to take me to a local drive through restaurant called Kow Korner and we would always get a basket of shrimp and fries. My dad was in the service, so it was something mom and I would do when he was on deployment. So many great memories at that place, but it is no longer in business.
Maybe it's fish cakes. Every time I think of them I think of home. It's just one of those things. I have only vague recollections of my mom preparing when I was a child. More than forty years down the road and I have never made my own. It isn't even difficult to make but I am happy just with memories from my past. That's the one thing I will speak of today.
Good thing - really good fish and chips [ done in beef dripping - non of this strange cooking oil stuff]
Bad thing - a strange thing called meat and potato pie. Here in the uk for a surprisingly long time after the war we had some 'iffy' food supplies [not bad just tasteless] and if the cash was limited [as it usually was for most people] things like this were produced. An utterly tasteless pie with grey chewy meat and dull potatoes - awful.
I always remember Arctic Roll. I don't know if was available outside the UK but I remember having it every Sunday, after the roast dinner. For those who've never heard of it, it's basically a cylinder of vanilla ice cream wrapped in a layer of sponge. It was considered to be a real treat back in the 80s!
What is the one food that you eat that immediately brings back your childhood at the first bite? For me it would be my Mom's Poppyseed cake. I remember on rainy weekend afternoons my Mom would make Poppyseed cake and my Mom, my brother and I would put a blanket on the floor and watch TV and eat the entire cake! When I was a child there was no cable TV, but on weekend afternoons you could always find a scary (for the time) black and white movie to watch. When I think of this time I always remember the giant tarantula movie playing. So I guess I relate Poppyseed cake to giant tarantulas?? :D
Sunday roasts at my grans house and then they would have tinned fruit and condensed milk at tea time with bread and butter and marshmallow ricecrispie cakes and we had sweet Cider at Christmas with a silver icing sugar sieve for the Christmas puds with a silver sixpence in it,seems like a age ago now
I would bring these back:

I'm not sure why I loved these things so much. More than half the bowl was a disappointment. Oh but when you found those treasure bits you savoured them.
I remember Vesta curries from my childhood because they tasted like cardboard! This was a curry in a packet, it looked like a tray full of string and cardboard with some chopped up rubber and tasted vile. This was the only curry i ever tasted as a child and put me off trying any other curry until i was way in to my 20's, When i did revisit curry, however i instantly loved it and it is now a passion of mine.

A while back i decided to buy a Vesta curry out of nostalgia and to see if it had improved, it hadn't, it was still the same bland cardboard and rubber chemically produced rubbish as back in the 70's. Some things don't change.
Oh man lots of stuff. I grew up in both Vietnam and Australia, so I ate food from both countries. From Australia, nothing beats a good barbecue. We can't eat bbq here where I live...
I remember Vesta curries from my childhood because they tasted like cardboard! This was a curry in a packet, it looked like a tray full of string and cardboard with some chopped up rubber and tasted vile. This was the only curry i ever tasted as a child and put me off trying any other curry until i was way in to my 20's, When i did revisit curry, however i instantly loved it and it is now a passion of mine.

A while back i decided to buy a Vesta curry out of nostalgia and to see if it had improved, it hadn't, it was still the same bland cardboard and rubber chemically produced rubbish as back in the 70's. Some things don't change.

They were truly awful weren't they! For a long time, I assumed all curries tasted like Vesta and never tried a "proper" one until I went away to university. NOw, curry is one of my favourite things ever.
In my childhood, I spent a lot of time with my grandparents. My grandma's vegetable broth with dumplings was amazing. I can never quite make it the same, but it still brings back happy memories. Egg and soldiers also brings back some good memories.
My favorite food. French Toast. Why? First..

My grandmother used to make it for me when I stayed at her place. Then my dad (who was my grandmothers son) also loved it because I assume she cooked it for him a lot. He then cooked it for me a lot before school/in my childhood.

Maybe you can see where I'm going with this - yup - it became my favorite food. And it still reminds me of this day of my childhood and those mornings waking up for school and having a nice hot plate of food ready before I took off for class. The little things like that I remember even if none of my siblings do. And I'll pass it on to my children too (cooking, if not the french toast part! haha)
I can't point to a particular food as I was pretty picky as a child and didn't eat many things. Now I need quite a variety of foods and some of the things I loved as a child I wouldn't go near now (like fish sticks, lol!) I also experienced burn out on a lot of things from childhood like peanut butter and jelly and spinach. Of course back then my spinach came from a can or the freezer. Now I get it fresh.
As I just typed in another thread about old recipes, my Grandmother's Feasts for Christmas and Thanksgiving here in the US were always a feast fit for kinds. Anytime I eat a big dinner, it brings me right back to my childhood like eating at her table. Dishes from one end to other. Stringbean Casserole. Apple/Cinnamon/Banana breads in an array, sweet potatoes, normal potatoes, rolls, Chicken, Turkey, corn. So many like Chanel said to list them all, but when I eat any one of those dishes I can remember fondly those days. I really miss her.
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