Food Without Salt


3 Jun 2015
Local time
1:29 PM
Can you eat food that does not have any salt? My aunt prepares her food minus salt. She says that she was advised not to take salt by her doctor.
My mother had a stroke 5 years ago and the first prohibition in her diet is salt. She would eat salt-less food all the time. To compensate for that, we would be feeding her with oat meal that has milk and sugar. That diet went on for years until the checkup that discovered her blood sugar was rising. A clear sign of diabetes although can still be controlled. So now no more salt and no more sugar in her food. Huh, what is the taste of oat meal now? Ask her, hahahaaa.
Some foods are fine because they already contain enough salt naturally to taste good. Other foods are so low in sodium that they really don't work without added salt. You can get used to the taste of less sat pretty easily. My problem is that I am so active I have to add salt or my body becomes depleted and I feel exhausted.
A certain amount of salt is needed in everyone's diet. However these days far too much salt is put into food. I don't use salt anymore as Mr WD has high blood pressure. It's never bothered me to eat food with no salt at all. It's all about what you get used to.
A good substitute for salt is lemon juice or lemon zest. But there isn't really a product with a similar taste to salt, whereas sugar can be replaced by Truvia or similar. So perhaps your Mum, @Corzhens , could use Truvia in her oatmeal (I do)? Don't know if you can get it where you are, though. Using spices can help as a substitute for salt. For example ground cumin or coriander sprinkled over savoury food. Or Sumac... that's good.
Can you eat food that does not have any salt? My aunt prepares her food minus salt. She says that she was advised not to take salt by her doctor.
Seldom add salt, and never on a cooked meal, so I'll say yes. As for the salt content of the foods, there's little can actually be done about that part.
Seldom add salt, and never on a cooked meal, so I'll say yes. As for the salt content of the foods, there's little can actually be done about that part.
So do you mean that you cook whole meals without putting any salt in or on? For example, would you put salt on a fried or boiled egg? Would you make a stew or casserole without salt? What about boiling potatoes? I'm becoming fascinated by this. I feel like I must be a salt addict!
Blanching veg in a light salted water helps keep green veg as its suposed to be,Salt on a boiled egg is a given rule,I take my dietary salt from ingredients like bread and cheese and add very little to my own food but at work I season every thing,but I understand when to add salt and when not to
So do you mean that you cook whole meals without putting any salt in or on? For example, would you put salt on a fried or boiled egg? Would you make a stew or casserole without salt? What about boiling potatoes? I'm becoming fascinated by this. I feel like I must be a salt addict!
In, not always, on No. No salt(never have done). There'd be some added, said I seldom add salt. No, used to add a bit, to stop new ones splitting years ago. Other than that no.
A good substitute for salt is lemon juice or lemon zest. But there isn't really a product with a similar taste to salt, whereas sugar can be replaced by Truvia or similar. So perhaps your Mum, @Corzhens , could use Truvia in her oatmeal (I do)? Don't know if you can get it where you are, though. Using spices can help as a substitute for salt. For example ground cumin or coriander sprinkled over savoury food. Or Sumac... that's good.

With half of her body inutile, my mother couldn't feed herself anymore and she had lost her speech. You are right that there is no substitute for salt so her food is bland just like that. We cannot do anything except sometimes we broil fish for her. Broiled fish has natural salt in it although it does not sit well with the doctor who said we are cheating. With the oats, my mother seems to be liking it without sugar although we know she is just forcing herself.
So do you mean that you cook whole meals without putting any salt in or on? For example, would you put salt on a fried or boiled egg? Would you make a stew or casserole without salt? What about boiling potatoes? I'm becoming fascinated by this. I feel like I must be a salt addict!
I never use salt when cooking potatoes, pasta, rice, stews or casseroles and I would not add it to any egg I boiled or fried. In fact I have not bought any salt in the past 20 years and no-one has complained about my cooking. I do sometimes use condiments that contain salt, for example Worcestershire sauce, but I rely more on spices, vinegars, herbs and flavored oils in my cooking so the food never tastes bland.
Can you eat food that does not have any salt? My aunt prepares her food minus salt. She says that she was advised not to take salt by her doctor.
I have not been advised by the doctor perse, but I am guessing if I am hypertensive I should go easy on the salt or cut it out altogether but it's a challenge. I am still working on how to significantly cut back on my 'salt' intake. I don't use salt in it's raw form a lot but I use a lot of seasoning with high salt content. This is an area I need to work hard on.
I have avoided using salt in my cooking for over 16 years. I used to work as a chef and used salt for seasoning at work, but at home never use it. The reason for this was having children. I made homemade baby food from the same things we were eating as adults and just didn't add salt as it is very bad for babies. I did this with my oldest who is now 16 and then when I went on to have another three children who are now 10, 4 and 2. I have just got into the habit of not cooking with it. Many ingredients have a naturally salty flavour anyway. I season with black pepper, herbs and spices. I never notice the difference.
So do you mean that you cook whole meals without putting any salt in or on? For example, would you put salt on a fried or boiled egg? Would you make a stew or casserole without salt? What about boiling potatoes? I'm becoming fascinated by this. I feel like I must be a salt addict!
Do you eat it on its own, nothing else?
So do you mean that you cook whole meals without putting any salt in or on?
I was brought up never to put salt in any meal you cook until it reaches the table and only then very seldomly does salt get added. So I never use salt in meals. I have had to get used to the idea of putting salt in bread when I make it and have started very low (1tsp salt per kg of flour and slowly found out what works for us which is 2tsp salt per 1kg flour). I never ever add salt to anything that is boiled except for fresh pasta which seems to need it to stop it absorbing too much water. As for meals, casseroles, nope, never

For example, would you put salt on a fried or boiled egg?
Usually not. I certainly would not assume to put salt on for someone else. A fried egg, no, the oil is enough. A boiled egg well that depends on what my body is telling me on the day because I also take a lot of exercise and my body will tell me when I need more, but I will certainly taste the boiled egg first and make my mind up from there.

We get through very little salt in this household. If I purchase 250g of it every 6 months we are using a lot!
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