Food You Hate Cooking


8 Sep 2015
Local time
10:12 AM
Which kind of food or recipe do you absolutely hate making during the festivities? For me I hate making all these pies for Thanksgiving as it literally takes over five hours to just get them prepped. The fact that you have three different types makes it even more time consuming. What about you guys?
It's not a festive meal, but I hate cooking cottage pie or shepherd's pie. The kids love it, so I do make it every now and again. Other than spaghetti bolognese and chilli con carne, I am not a big fan of minced meat and the smell of it cooking makes me feel nauseous.
I stopped making pies years ago, I purchase my pies now, my family is not big on pies. I don't think there is anything I really don't like cooking for the holidays. Because the food I cook for the holidays I don't cook often and it is fun to remember that I do know how to cook special meals. I don't like cooking eggs, I don't like the smell or the sight of eggs, I don't eat eggs and don't cook them for family.
I don't mind cooking anything but the one thing that stressed me out during the holiday, when cooking a big meal, is the gravy.
I always want the gravy to be just right and it doesn't always turn out that way. Especially when you are having company you
want everything perfect. My Dad made the best gravy I ever tasted so I always compare mine to his but it is never quite like
his use to be.
I don't really cook foods that I hate cooking. One thing I would hate to prepare would be liver though. The smell drives me insane, and I hate it. I am not keen on cooking salmon or any sort of oily fish due to the smell. I tend to cook that on the grill. I absolutely would not cook fish, especially salmon, in the microwave due to that reason. I hate the way it smells and makes the house smell.
I don't know I hate it but I don't care much for preparing large birds. I am thinking about those gigantic turkeys to be specific. It feels like such a task and you need to put in so much time and effort to get the best results. I admire that there are people happy to fry them as this forum reminded me some ago. After I have laboured on a turkey ( have not done it in ages), I am happy to stick it in the oven and forget it there.
I hate baking in general. I hate making cakes and other sweets that require measuring cups because I experiment a lot. I don't really stick to the rules of baking that's why my cakes always turn out flat and ugly. I hate making Red Velvet Cake most of all because the red seems so unnatural but my mother likes it so I get to be a dutiful daughter once a year.
It's not a festive meal, but I hate cooking cottage pie or shepherd's pie. The kids love it, so I do make it every now and again. Other than spaghetti bolognese and chilli con carne, I am not a big fan of minced meat and the smell of it cooking makes me feel nauseous.

Reminds me of when I was pregnant, the smell of cooking meat had me all :sick::sick::sick:

I also hate the smell of eggs cooking - I won't eat eggs on their own but hubby loves them so I have to just grin and bear the smell.
I seldom cook crabs because it takes time to get the meat our of the shell, claws and legs. It is a bit frustrating to realize that you are getting only a small amount of the meat and the rest of it is shell. We love the taste of the crab and we can not just ignore it, oh well it is worth the effort nonetheless.
It's not a festive meal, but I hate cooking cottage pie or shepherd's pie. The kids love it, so I do make it every now and again. Other than spaghetti bolognese and chilli con carne, I am not a big fan of minced meat and the smell of it cooking makes me feel nauseous.
I don't know if you ever have roast lamb on a Sunday, but if you do you should try making shepherds pie from the left overs. I do this quite often and it is elevates Shepherds pie into something amazing! I buy a whole shoulder of lamb for Sunday and then cook very slowly for 4 hours. Here's what I do.:

Strip the cold lamb off the bone and using a sharp knife, dice it into tiny pieces. This takes a little while but is quite satisfying. Don't remove the white fat unless it is a huge chunk. Fry off the chopped lamb in a non-stick pan until a bit browned (you shouldn't need oil as the fat from the meat dissolves as you cook). Add a tablespoon of flour and stir in. Gradually add enough water from a boiled kettle to make a gravy and (I'm afraid this is a cheat) a Knorr beef stockpot. You could use a stock cube or whatever you normally add to your mince when making shephards pie. Stir until the gravy is thickened and pour into your baking dish to cool and await its fluffy mash topping.
Which kind of food or recipe do you absolutely hate making during the festivities? For me I hate making all these pies for Thanksgiving as it literally takes over five hours to just get them prepped. The fact that you have three different types makes it even more time consuming. What about you guys?

We usually make home made Tamales and while I used to love making them, no so much anymore. It is a long process but worth it, but I really dread it when I first start making them, once I get past getting everything prepared and all I got to do is put them in the pot then it is smooth selling from there. :wink:
I hate cooking corn meal. Whisking around the flour to make a wholesome meal takes ages for me. Some of my guests like to have it well cooked and that means standing for a while over the fire, turning it around till it cooks. :cook:
We have this dish called adobo which is the trademark of the Filipino in Metro Manila. It is sauteed chicken and pork cuts that is later fried before putting it back to the sauteing pot. The problem with the pork is the revolution of the cooking oil, it tends to splatter out of the pan. I was hit several times by that jumping drops of oil that burned my skin. Yes, there should be a lid but I have to look if it's already cooked... that's the opportunity by the jumping oil drops to hit me.
Like what I had said in a thread similar to this I hate cooking and eating green mussels. I just don't like its texture and taste despite they said that it is rich in zinc that is good for our brain.
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