Fresh Tomatoes and Curry


Well-Known Member
24 Nov 2019
Local time
8:59 PM
What are peoples thoughts on fresh tom's and curry? I normally used a can variety but wondered on fresh? Do you skin, de-seed, blend, use whole or other?

What are peoples thoughts on fresh tom's and curry? I normally used a can variety but wondered on fresh? Do you skin, de-seed, blend, use whole or other?

We have used fresh, roughly chopped tomatoes in curries, not bothered skinning or deseeding. I think it depends on whether you are adding them as a vegetable or whether the form part of the sauce base. Yorky and Morning Glory are far more experienced in curries than I :)
I use fresh, roughly chopped, then cooked until broken down for the Pakistani curry recipes I was taught by a Pakistani friend. I find the taste and texture quite different.
I also use fresh tomatoes in everything curry included. Growing up my mom always used canned tomato but when I went to live on my own I tried the real stuff and I never went back. The way I use tomatoes on my curries is really straightforward, I just cut them and let them cook a bit. By the way not all curries need tomatoes in the base and I easily do without it. My mom’s family comes from Mozambique where it’s custom to use tomato in the curry and I’m used to cooking like that, but if I don’t have tomatoes I just don’t bother.
I use fresh, roughly chopped, then cooked until broken down for the Pakistani curry recipes I was taught by a Pakistani friend. I find the taste and texture quite different.
Do you have Pakistani curry recipes you want to share? I am curious about those.
I use fresh tomatoes whenever I have them. Always peeled after dropping in boiling water for a minute. Sometimes chopped, sometimes blended (depending upon which curry I'm making). If I don't have fresh I used tinned whole plum tomatoes. I use tomato puree in some recipes but not much; I find it can be too strong. If the tomatoes are used cold as a garnish or in a salad I only wash and slice them.


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