Fried Coconut?


Staff member
11 Oct 2012
Local time
3:41 PM
SE Australia
Has anyone else ever fried coconut? It's a first for me and I'm not certain that I did it correctly? Or more to the point does the coconut change when you fry it? I have never tried fried coconut before to the best of my knowledge so am at a little bit of a loss to know if it changes from crunchy to something else when cooked.

The Indian dal recipe (a Bengali one) said to chop the fresh coconut into 5mm dice like croutons and the fried them until lightly browned before draining and then later adding to the spicy dal mixture. They are still like raw coconut on the inside and I don't know if they are meant to be.
Well, most coconut dhal recipes call for coconut milk. But I think, in the dim and distant past I did once come across a recipe for using fresh fried coconut. My recollection is that it was either to be flaked or cut into very small pieces, so that that it went crispy brown. I think maybe you should have cut it into finer dice or used a vegetable peeler or mandolin to produce flakes. My gut feeling is that the coconut is for crunch and texture but not a chunky ingredient.
I have several Indian (vegetarian or vegan) recipe books and both use fresh coconut extensively, as well as coconut milk and cream of coconut. I have previously grated the coconut finely, then roasted it with other spices (until it was totally dried) and then ground it up with the same roasted spices, but this is a first for me, in the frying it stakes. I make well have not have the dice fine enough, it was after all single thickness for the 'depth' of the coconut, in that I didn't halve the width, so to speak (so that half of the coconut was with skin and half without if that makes any sense). I shall have to have another attempt next time. It was nice enough as it was and very edible - we have the same again tomorrow for evening meal and my OH hasn't objected which is always a good sign!

I served with chapatti which I often make at home. I have some really nice atta flour at the moment, very finely milled and it makes the most beautiful chapatti as well as wholemeal sourdough loaves!
Yes, I often make chapati too and other flatbread. Its really so easy! Easier than making a standard loaf. I don't tend to use coconut very much in my curries because I find it can add too sweet a flavour (for my taste buds). With Dhal I normally make a Tarka, which I stir in at the last moment. We could do with some Indian cooks on the Forum!
I only fry coconut really during the holidays and it is mostly for chocolate candy making. My coconut is grated or sliced up fine and then added to a hot skillet with a tad bit of butter. I wait until it is a nice golden color and the flavor is more sweet and slightly smoky. I have never tried to fry big chunks, but it would be hard to get the centers cooked without burning the outsides.
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