Fryer results greasy

Roger Burton

Senior Member
12 Dec 2019
Local time
3:28 AM
Hi chaps I bought yet another deep fat fryer and made triple cooked chips and battered fish last night ... great, nice and crispy but a greasy after taste. I guess the fat wasn’t hot enough (180) or maybe wrong type (veg oil) anyone any other thoughts please ?
If they are twice cooked chips the first frying is at a lower temperature (about 140 C) and the second usually about 180 C. I've not seen them cooked higher than this.

I wonder if one of the earlier stages of triple cooking caused them to soak up oil due to a low temperature.
Thanks MG, the first cooking was par-boiling so yes as you say 140 then 180 ... maybe the fryer's temp. is a bit out, I'll give it another go (my wife says I'm an idiot and both chips and fish were fine) ... I must say as I get older (69) whilst my taste "buds" are little changed I do seem to find 'flavours' hang around longer than they used to, some Chorizo I had the other day was "apparent" many hours later so I had to take some beer to get rid of it ...
I think its possible that the first cooking of parboiling meant the surface was more porous and so absorbed oil during the 140 C cooking. Maybe try twice cooked next time and see if that makes a difference?

I meant to say welcome to CookingBites. :welcome:

If you are interested in cooking (and eating!) then I hope you stick around. We are a friendly community and love new members. You are in good company here as I recently turned 68 - my tastebuds seem intact so far except that I can now eat hotter chilli peppers than I used to be able to. :pepper: :D
I think you might be correct re the first, some experiments needed. Thanks for the welcome ... I cook every day, make my own bread etc, love it - just waiting on a sous vide ‘stick’ (bought a vacuum sealer in Lidl today) so more tests over the weekend. I look forward to ‘contributing’ one way or another.
I think you might be correct re the first, some experiments needed. Thanks for the welcome ... I cook every day, make my own bread etc, love it - just waiting on a sous vide ‘stick’ (bought a vacuum sealer in Lidl today) so more tests over the weekend. I look forward to ‘contributing’ one way or another.

Hey! Another bread maker (we need more here) :). See the thread: Today's Bread.

I have a sous-vide (mine is a water bath not a stick) and I'm not using it enough. There is a thread here: Do you have a Sous Vide?

If you have a moment pop over to New to CookingBites? and tell us a bit about yourself. Meanwhile, join in wherever you wish.
I think you might be correct re the first, some experiments needed. Thanks for the welcome ... I cook every day, make my own bread etc, love it - just waiting on a sous vide ‘stick’ (bought a vacuum sealer in Lidl today) so more tests over the weekend. I look forward to ‘contributing’ one way or another.

Welcome from a Texas member. And, welcome to the sous vide club. This is a very international forum, you can find advise on just about anything.

I have never tried triple frying fries/chips. I double fry all the time. They always come out fluffy inside, and crispy outside. They are never more greasy than I would expect from deep fried food. Use a good thermometer to check your deep fryer's thermostat.

I do my second fry at 375F, which I believe is about 190C.

I twice fry chips all the time, I use agria, a frying potato, muricans use russet?
I peel then cut into chips, I then leave them in fresh water for 10 mins, the amount of starch that comes out is amazing. This is for serving with meals, so my fryer has Chips marked at 170to190 deg.
I cook half a basket at a time so it's not over crowded. Then place on absorbent paper to cool to room temp. Then heat oil again for second fry. Mine ALWAYS are crispy and beautiful. None ever left over. I cook at 190 as the temp does drop when chips go in. I filter the oil every third cook and replace twice a year. I Use store bought cooking oil. Mine holds about 2 ? Litres.

The fish I also twice cook, same with chips, up to temp, then put battered fish in and half cook it. Then I put onto a wire rack until ready to cook later. I make beer battered blue cod here all the time. It's $45 a kg so it's a really good fish, my favourite all time. I twice cook as it saves time and a mess to prep it. I normally cook for 6 to10 people. Family and friends.
Hope I've helped?

Well what can I say, an excellent response to my question, lots of suggestions for me to try, I certainly will have lowered the temp. when frying the fish, they were BIG fillets and I only just managed to get them in the basket, one at a time next time ! This is a forum I can see me spending some time on ... thank you. Looking forward to the arrival of my sous vide stick so I'll be back shortly.
Hi chaps I bought yet another deep fat fryer and made triple cooked chips and battered fish last night ... great, nice and crispy but a greasy after taste. I guess the fat wasn’t hot enough (180) or maybe wrong type (veg oil) anyone any other thoughts please ?

What does it look like? :wink:
Hi Shermie, I've used it a couple of times since and raised the temp. - seems to be better, here's the beast, it's really big for storing but other than that I'm pleased with it (filters the oil etc).
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