

23 Apr 2015
Local time
1:01 AM
Fife, Scotland
What a wonderfully versatile plant. I always use it in my veggie curries and chillies. I've even been known to make soft drinks with it. I use it in baking, too. Ginger in herbal tea gives it a pleasing zing. What's not to like?

I've tried galangal, too, though I find it a little bland.

Let's hear about your many uses of this splendid plant.

Ginger beer made from scratch is a favourite of mine. I have never made it myself but it's delicious if it's made by the right person. I also like it in my curry and I've also used it sometimes in stir fries of several kinds.
We have lots of ginger around the house. Whenever we would harvest, there is always a leftover that we plant. Sometimes the leftover is good for 2 plantings. From the top of my head, I think we have around 8 ginger plants in different locations. We never buy ginger not for saving money but for the love ot it. Food tastes better when the ginger used is what we harvested (it may be psychological though). And we are proud to use our harvest in what we cook. But when ginger is not available for harvest. a good substitute is lemon grass.
Great in soups like butternut squash and ginger great in oriental stocks ,make up a compound butter with fresh ginger and put on fish when grilling
Never liked galangal,there's nearly a antiseptic a smell when peeling

Ginger beer made from scratch is a favourite of mine. I have never made it myself but it's delicious if it's made by the right person. I also like it in my curry and I've also used it sometimes in stir fries of several kinds.
Try it. It doesn't take as long as the wine recipe posted earlier.
I love ginger snaps. When I was little that zing on the ginger snaps had always intrigued me. I thought the taste is magical and beyond description but when I finally realized the name itself says ginger I thought it was a delicious piece of cookie minus the magic. Anyway, I am now craving for that fizzy drink with mild ginger taste, it has been discontinued I think
While working in Ghana a few years ago, I was looking for something by way of a soft drink that I could put in my fridge, temperatures being well into the thirties. I came across a ginger cordial and thought I'd give it a try, though I'm not usually a fan of such types of drink. This one, however, was excellent. I suspect it wouldn't taste so good in chilly Scotland, but context is everything and this did the job just fine.
Ginger is a very pleasant tasting ingredient. I like to use powdered ginger in my gravies. I also like ginger tea, but it has to be the right strength. I do not like it too strong nor too weak. Ginger is also very therapeutic and is good for stomach upsets as well as for relieving cold symptoms. I also like ginger mints and sweet biscuits which contain ginger. Ginger beer is one of our popular local drinks.
Ginger is one spice I have not learned to use very often. I had ginger tea and ginger snap cookies but other than that I would not know what to do with ginger. If I can grow the ginger as a plant maybe I will learn what to do with it. I don't eat curry so that is out.
I do enjoy ginger ale and I like ginger cookies but other then that I don't care for the taste of ginger in anything.
I have tried a few recipes with it in it and I didn't like them at all.
What a wonderfully versatile plant. I always use it in my veggie curries and chillies. I've even been known to make soft drinks with it. I use it in baking, too. Ginger in herbal tea gives it a pleasing zing. What's not to like?

I've tried galangal, too, though I find it a little bland.

Let's hear about your many uses of this splendid plant.
Ginger settles your stomach so it has some medicinal purposes as well as tasting delicious. I don't make anything regularly with ginger, but I do add it to recipies if it is called for. One time last year I was making Moscow mules at home so I used ginger beer as one of the main components of the cocktail. It was amazingly delicious!
I love ginger anything. I love candied ginger, ginger cookies, ginger drinks .. I had a Moscow mule this summer .... and most of all I love cooking with ginger. I grew up eating a lot of ginger in my mom's Asian dishes. She would finely slice ginger and mince garlic and heat them in oil and pour it over steamed fish with soy sauce. It was fantastic. She would also mince ginger finely with minced scallions and add oil. This was an amazing dipping sauce for poached chicken. My kids love ginger too. I try to cook with it in the winter as I feel it helps boost your immune system. I like to use it marinades, stir fries and curries.
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