Gluten Free Baking


10 Jan 2015
Local time
8:03 PM
Northeastern USA
What are your thoughts on gluten free baking? Have you found any recipes that are worthwhile, or do most of your recipes come out tasting "off"?
I recently purchased a ton of different flours, guar gum, etc. to try some gluten free baking. I haven't found any great recipes and I'm thinking it's almost too expensive and not worth it to bother.
What have your experiences been like?
I rarely bake now due to electric costs, but I find that using brown rice flour as your primary flour is pretty good flavor wise. Rice has such s mild flavor it is easily covered up by chocolate or other stringer flavors. I often add peanut butter to my baked goods which also ads another good flavor to hide the rice.
I love gluten free baking! I try to experiment with a lot of different flours. Recently I made chocolate chip cookies with garbanzo bean flour, which I ground myself, and they turned out delicious!
I love gluten free baking too! Since I am on a gluten free diet, I have tried a load of different foods such as cake and biscuits from supermarkets and they taste as you said 'off', but when I make my own cakes or biscuits they taste just as if they were made with normal flour, it is wonderful! I use a gluten free self raising flour and then bake using regular recipes and just substitute the flour for the gluten free one. Works a treat!
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