Gluten free oats.


22 Oct 2014
Local time
5:08 AM
I know there are specialty oats out there that are gluten free. I have not yet purchased any but am considering it. Since I am sure they will be quite expensive compared to regular oats, I am kind of wondering what might be different about them. Is there a significant difference in texture without the gluten?
Oats are typically gluten free from the get go. My understanding is that they are processed alongside gluten containing grains and thus get contaminated with gluten containing products. If this is the case, there would not be any difference in texture or taste.

Reading a number of articles, confirms this. However, some coeliacs are not even able to tolerate even pure uncontaminated oats but that is a different problem.

Reading a touch further, the problem seems to arise actually at the growing stage, where other grains can grow alongside the oats in the same field, thus causing contamination. Pure oats are literally field walked to ensure that there is no contamination.
Oh wow, I had one idea. I had always been told that he oats had gluten in them. I guess the contamination must be so wide spread that it is as if they did.

I'll have to check into the gluten free ones then, if they will work the same in recipes. I know the contaminated ones have some negative affects on me because cheaper granolas have bothered my guts, even though wheat was not an ingredient.
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