

14 Oct 2012
Local time
3:07 AM
Salisbury Uk
in you neck of the world do you have gooseberries,they seem to deemed old fashioned in the UK ,but to me they are the start of the summer ,sweet or savoury they are such a versatile fruit,
I have a couple of big bushes that trimmed right back ,have been scorched by bonfires and they are loaded at the moment,ready in about a month with good weather ,can't wait!
I make a savoury chilli and rhubarb ketchup for deep fried fish and a gooseberry relish for smoked fish
And a twist on the classic gooseberry bake well tart
What do you use them for if you can indeed get them!
I have not heard of, or seen gooseberries in a very long time. As a child I used to eat them often. I would normally eat them just as they are even though they tend to be a very acid fruit. I did not mind the acidity though. I like fruits with some acidity in them, but the ripe ones were also quite nice. I don't know if there are many of these trees around here now.
I have not heard of, or seen gooseberries in a very long time. As a child I used to eat them often. I would normally eat them just as they are even though they tend to be a very acid fruit. I did not mind the acidity though. I like fruits with some acidity in them, but the ripe ones were also quite nice. I don't know if there are many of these trees around here now.
There are a desert gooseberrys ,sweet as sweet ,you can pick and eat like strawberries we had a variety called golden Cape ,
I have not heard of, or seen gooseberries in a very long time. As a child I used to eat them often. I would normally eat them just as they are even though they tend to be a very acid fruit. I did not mind the acidity though. I like fruits with some acidity in them, but the ripe ones were also quite nice. I don't know if there are many of these trees around here now.

Caribbean girl when I saw the gooseberry conversation going I had to stop and ask myself if it's the same one we see our used to see around here. I had a love hate relationship with them. Where have they gone? I have not seen them in forever. I'd love to see what type Berties is speaking about especially those that sweet as sweet that you can pick and eat like strawberries.

I just remembered where I saw some in 'recent' times. It was in a candy shop in the mall and they were transformed from nice and acid to a sweet treat. I'd love to get my hand on the original sour fruit.
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