Gordon Ramsay Critiques Chicken Wings on "Hot Ones" Podcast

The Late Night Gourmet

Home kook
Staff member
30 Mar 2017
Local time
2:59 PM
Detroit, USA
Most of last week, I was out enjoying the sights and tastes of Germany and Greece. When we returned to our hotel, not much was available on TV in English: just news stations. I didn't mind watching football (soccer) - The Beautiful Game doesn't require translation - but my wife wan't as interested in this option.

So, one day, we turned to the computer to view Gordon Ramsay on the Hot Ones podcast. It's not only entertaining watching him try progressively hotter hot sauces; the interviewer also asks him to comment on chef colleagues and other culinary experiences. As you can imagine, the answers become progressively more difficult as the heat rises.

Yes. And, stupid is exactly how I would describe some of those sauces (the last one was 2,000,000 on the capsaicin scale, which I believe is in violation of the Geneva Convention).

I want to know how the host could eat those without even sweating. Where did they find this guy?!?
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