

22 Oct 2014
Local time
9:22 PM
Have you ever made your own granola? The basic recipe is pretty easy, but making it taste as good as the store bought kinds is another matter.
I used to make a few batches for my summertime lazy breakfasts,as I have porridge most of the year,have it with soft fruits and natural yoghurt ,then I came across a company that now supplies many Northern Europe chains
Dorset cereals ,their grenola range is very good ,wide range and as good as it can be
I have thought about it but it is easier to just purchase a box, I know I would save some money but I like the one I get from the store.
I have never attempted to make my own granola, and I am nervous that it would not taste as good as the kind you get at the store. I buy a bag about once a month and use it to top cobblers with and add it to my yogurt.
Have you ever made your own granola? The basic recipe is pretty easy, but making it taste as good as the store bought kinds is another matter.
I have never tried but see a lot of recipes when I am on Pinterest and the like. Granolas used to be a big favourite of mine. I would buy them by the cartoons when I traveled and use them as snacks. Then I heard they were not as healthy as purported and I cut back considerably. Don't even think I read the labels which might not be very smart. Still, it would be good to make my own one day.
I have, and it turned out pretty great! For me the trick was plenty of honey and cinnamon before baking to give it that delicious sweetness - but also allowing some chunks to clump together for that trademark granola texture.
Why suffer the hassle of making your own granola, just buy it. When I can buy food that I want I usually just buy. Like the Caesar's Salad that is my favorite, I would order that in the restaurant no matter if it is expensive. One time I bought a dip for Caesar's Salad and made my own. Oh, I had to cook the bacon and I had to buy some other ingredients like the hard bread and the romaine lettuce. So much for that. Let's just buy granola, okay?
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