Grilling Pizza


26 Nov 2013
Local time
1:01 AM
I love making pizza at home, but found that grilling pizza is even better. Some of my pizza pans don't get my pizza as crispy as I like so I started grilling it. It is cheaper than buying a brick for my oven too. Any other pizza grillers here?
I've eaten it but never made it. How long do you keep it on the grill (or do you just sort of keep an eye on it)?

Also, how do you keep the dough from slipping down between the grates? Do you have a special flat something you put it on, or do you use a ready made dough?

I have a pizza stone. I never use it. But I never make pizza with raw dough. It takes forever and I find that the dough never quite comes out right. Grilled pizza is yummy.
I have made pizzas but not over the grill.

The only time I tried, it was a disaster, so I better bake them as regularly, and then when I want a slice of grilled pizza, I turn on my electric panini grill to eat it this way.
Haven't tried it but I'm sure it does make the pizza more crispy. But to be honest I'm fine with the way it comes when I cook it in the oven so I'm not going to change that.
The only time I've ever tried grilling pizza was when I used pre cooked pita breads and made pizza with them. I've seen it done a number of times on cooking shows, but I was always worried that the dough would sink into the openings and get stuck. Do you partially cook the dough in the oven first or something?
I do not grill my pizza. I just throw this good stuff in the oven or order from Domino's. However, maybe grilling my first pizza might be an excellent New Year's resolution. Something I can actually achieve. (ha, ha, ha)
I have never tried or made grilled pizza. I'm with True2marie, I usually just order from Domino's pizza as well.
Grilled pizza sounds fairly easy to make, I will have to try it sometime. I suppose if it doesn't turn out, I still have the number is Domino's. :)
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