Has anyone ever tried the 3 in 1 Nescafe?

3 Jul 2014
Local time
3:01 PM
I do not drink coffee on a regular basis, but when I do, I like to use the 3 in 1 packets, although this is not the only type of coffee I would use. I think the 3 in 1 Nescafe is very convenient to use. It contains added milk and sugar and comes in small packets that are easy to open. These packets are also easy to carry around. They would especially come in handy for those who work in an office when they want to take a coffee break. I think the amount of sugar and milk they contain is adequate too. So, those who like their coffee with milk and sugar would find this appealing. How many of you have used it?

Well, you can buy this in the UK but as I don't put sugar in my coffee it wouldn't suit me. Plus, it has a whopping 73 Kcals in each mug, so it wouldn't really fit into my diet plan! If I make coffee and just add some almond milk its only about 5 Kcals. I imagine it would be handy, as you say, at work. I sometimes used to take sachets of instant hot-chocolate to work.
We have similar things like that here, I don't buy them on a regular basis but I do think they're a nice treat. I used to buy them more when I worked in an office rather than these days as a stay at home parent because they were my 3pm pick me up!
I can drink anything that has coffee on it. The instant coffee may not have the aroma and strength that I look for but not bad for a coffee addict like me. I had tried putting three in one Nescafe coffee before in one of my desserts and it turned out fine. If your recipe calls for a chocolate try substituting it with coffee be it brewed or 3-in-1 then just add some cream or milk it will do the trick.
I don't like sugar in my coffee so I don't use these but I have bought them for our camping trips. I drink my coffee black so I just bring coffee for me but I buy these for my partner who likes cream and sugar in his coffee. It is a lot more convenient then having to bring everything to make coffee. I always keep these on hand. From what I have been told, they are really quite good and make a nice tasting cup of coffee.
Tried both these and the 'pretend' cappuccino packets too. Both seem fine and as above require nothing added so useful for camping
Yep I've actually tried this! It's pretty common in Asia. I like drinking instant coffee when I just need a little buzz and it's pretty easy to prepare. I don't drink it on a daily basis though because it contains a lot of sugar and calories. I'd rather have my coffee black, grounded and made in a french press. It's good, strong and you can adjust your sugar intake.
We are not coffee drinkers here at home and I seldom drink coffee except when we go on vacation with the family. Last weekend, we had a trip to the beach resort with my sister and her family. They are coffee drinkers in the morning so I brought along a pack of coffee which is the 3-in-1 Nescafe. I was actually buying the San Mig brand but I got the wrong pack of Nescafe. To me, it tastes the same whether Nescafe or San Mig as long as it is the mixed type so no need for sugar and creme.
This sounds great for work. I don't drink coffee much but every once and I while I could use a pick me up at work. This would fit the bill. I will have to look for it the next time at the grocery store. I like the Nescafe cappuccinos that come in a package. All I do is add a bit of sugar but they are quite expensive so I wait until they go on sale and stock up. The Nescafe cappuccinos are my go to early morning drink when my kids have 6 AM hockey games.
This product might be OK, but it reminds me a bit too much of instant coffee, which I am not a fan of. I think using the packets when you are camping might be a good idea, but other than that, I will take regular coffee, thank you! It is nice to know something like those packets exist though. I did not know they did.
I am not a coffee drinker as well as my husband but we had stocks of 3 in 1 coffee either Nescafe or Maxim brand so that in case we had guests at home who wants coffee it is the most convenient to serve with sugar and milk already in one packet.
Used to get it straight from the factory. The sugar used isn't what you'd normally use and is/was closer to sweetners than sugar.

Still used a bit of milk in it when making it though.
It's very prevalent here. About a year ago I stopped at a service station and was served with it. About 10 km further on, I had to stop to vomit. Never again.
I am confused. Packets of coffee for camping? I thought you were supposed to take a granite coffee pot to put over the fire. Or once we started getting electric sites, just taking a coffee maker.

As per the nescafe, I don't like their instant coffee.
I am confused. Packets of coffee for camping? I thought you were supposed to take a granite coffee pot to put over the fire. Or once we started getting electric sites, just taking a coffee maker.

As per the nescafe, I don't like their instant coffee.
I think all that is meant is that if you take some of these packs there is no need to take milk and sugar. Personally I think the product is quite vile! And it is very calorific.
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