Has anyone ever used a portable BBQ? Perhaps at the beach?


28 Nov 2013
Local time
2:56 PM
It sounds like the perfect picnic to me. Rather than bringing that basket and blanket, why not include a portable BBQ? I haven't tried this before, it's always been BBQ right outside the house or on the balcony. Has anyone ever tried this or maybe had some bad experiences ?
Yes, I've taken a portable BBQ to the beach, to friends houses (who don't have a BBQ) and on camping trips and have never had any problems. :)
I've used some of those one time use bbq ones. They can be great if you are planning to go somewhere with friends and you aren't allowed to build a fire in the area.
Used the disposable ones, they work great for ones trip and camping.

Never seen a reusable portable one though. Liek the idea, as long as it's easy to carry and clean to put back in the car :D
I don't have actually a portable BBQ, but I used to have one about 10 years ago when it was common to share a picnic day with my family.

It was very handy because such picnic may happen at a public park, in the forest, or simply in the backyard of any of my family members, who didn't have a BBQ grill.
don't have one and wouldn't personally use one, but that has more to do with the fact I have seen what happens first hand when people use them in the wrong places, like heathland which is super dry in summer. Nearly lost my home and possessions to that fire - 400 acres burnt to a cinder because of a careless person using a disposable BBQ on dry peat. Not good in the wrong/careless hands - but on a beach not a problem
don't have one and wouldn't personally use one, but that has more to do with the fact I have seen what happens first hand when people use them in the wrong places, like heathland which is super dry in summer. Nearly lost my home and possessions to that fire - 400 acres burnt to a cinder because of a careless person using a disposable BBQ on dry peat. Not good in the wrong/careless hands - but on a beach not a problem
If there was a not like, I would have used. Sounds terrible.

Absolutely caution should be used with them, the obviously get very hot!
We have to get a permit to take them to our beaches. I have used one at my local park. It was a state park and even then I had to get approval first. It's handy, but make sure you're allowed to use it.
There is a very funny (and true) story about a woman who bought a disposable BBQ that was currently on the weekly offer from the Lidl's store here in Norwich 3 or 4 years ago. About a week after purchasing it she returned it to the store to make a complaint and get her money refunded. When questioned why by the manager she stated that unlike it was shown on the packaging her disposable BBQ when opened did not contain the meat, sausages, peppers and tomatoes etc. The manager agreed to return the lady's money and when presented with the original receipt he asked her why she was only returning the one BBQ from the five she had purchased............ to which she replied the other four were still at home unopened in the freezer!
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I have looked into purchasing one for my beach trips. I think they would come in handy instead of just take sandwiches. Although I do worry about the sand kicking up from the wind- mouth full of sand is always NO BUENO! lol
Yes it is so great to have handy, when doing these type of fun days with the family, i love it and would not trade it for just cold sandwiches! even tho i make pretty amazing ones, you can cook more variety of these with having one! just love it,
Yes! My husband and I have a small portable BBQ grill. We love it! It fits comfortably in our trunk or in the backseat of our car. We take it to the park for picnics, and we take it to the beach with us as well! We really enjoy it and it really adds a delicious element to our picnics! :)
We received it as a gift a few years ago and have gotten several uses out of it! Whenever we plan family outtings, our friends and family usually request we bring our grill. The kids can play at the beach or park while we cook, then we can have a nice warm meal and enjoy the outdoors. We have truly enjoyed it!
My family used to take a portable BBQ to the beach every summer. We really enjoyed it. It was fun and easy to use. The hardest part was worrying about sand blowing into our food when we were at the beach. This thread brings back some very fond memories.
I do take a portable one with me when I am camping. I generally like to do all of my cooking on a fire pit but there are a few things that need the grill treatment.
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