Hate to admit this...


10 Jan 2015
Local time
9:56 AM
Northeastern USA
I hate to admit it but I never liked my mom's cooking. I think she thought of it like a chore and she never made anything memorable. I remember eating a lot of boiled meat and carrots, it was awful. She would make me the same sandwich for lunch for 5 years, bread, butter, bologna.

I think that's why I love cooking so much and love to try new foods from different ethnicities. There are so many good flavors out there!

Anyone else have a less than stellar experience with their parent's cooking?
Yes I can totally understand where you are coming from on this, my mother was also a far from stellar cook. Her claim to fame was rubbery chicken and flank steak. Till this day I will not eat or cook a flank steak, the only way I can describe it is - if you ever wondered what cooked leather tasted like there you have it. Just awful! One time she made this home made pea soup, that stuff was the worst thing I have ever tasted. I have to laugh because my sister who is actually a very good cook made this curry dish one time and somehow the food came out green. We all ate it and it was pretty spicy but man talk about not looking appetizing.
Yep, both my mother and ex step father were horrendous cooks. Their cooking was that bad that I would cook for my brother and sister and feed them before they got home, (when I was at school they were in nursery) and my grannie who used to pick myself and my other brother up from school on a Wednesday would always send me home on a Wednesday night with a separate portion of whatever we had had that night so that I actually had something to eat on Thursday. The rest of the time i was on my own literally. She would also confiscate my school blouse and wash and iron it giving me a replacement one to go home in so that I went to school with a clean blouse at least once a week!
My mum was a school cook for years, but Inisted in smothering the food with salt. Bleh. And there was so much of it as well. Oh and we ate a lot of mince meat.
I would have to say quite the opposite concerning my mom and her cooking. She loved cooking and was great in the kitchen. Her food was always very tasty. Although I learned all the basics of cooking from her, I would have to admit that she was a better cook than I am. She liked to try out a variety of dishes and they would always come out just fine. On a scale of 1 to 10, I would rate her cooking as a 9-plus.
This comes as one big surprise to me. I had this idea that most moms were the best cooks in the world. I had this conversation recently and we were all saying what great cooks our moms were. In my case when I was very young I actually thought my mom was the best cook in the entire world. She's well along in years now so she's not as sharp as before, yet there are some things only she can prepare for me.

I am glad that negative childhood experience with Dina's mom's cooking turned out well in the sense that Dina is now a great cook.
Till this day I will not eat or cook a flank steak

That's so funny! I have the exact feeling about beef cooked in liquid, and I love every single vegetable the exists except for cooked carrots.

SatNavSayStraightOn - that's awesome you had your grannie caring for you like that!

winterybella - thanks for the compliment but who knows if I'm a great cook or not, anything tastes good to me as long as it's not bologna or carrots :D
My mom is a good cook, but there are a few dishes that she overdid for us when we were younger. There was a time when my dad retired from the military and we had to live very frugally until he found a new job. My mom is a country cooker and there is nothing extravegant about anything she makes, the food is just meant to fill your belly and warm your soul. Because of this, I have taken a liking to food experimentation and like to try gourmet cooking every once in a while.
My mum was a traditional meat and veg cook, her food was tasty but not experimental, we lived on a budget so food was fuel. My husband is a fantastic cook so we eat very well.
Some times they say if your parents were bad cooks you become a good cook to survive and eat
I started doing the cooking in our home at the age of 10, I have a brother and sister, I did all the cooking because my mom worked, we were in a single paret home. I don't remember my mom cooking regular meals. Just cakes, one that I really love.
Well, at the very least she put butter on it. She could have just went with bologna & bread. :D

I have things that I love & things I don't love so much that my mother used to make. But that's really a matter of taste because some of my siblings love things she made that I couldn't stand.
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