Have you attempted to make homemade wine?


28 Nov 2014
Local time
12:58 AM
Wine is a lot easier to make at home than beer. Basically all you need to do is melt some sugar into water and add yeast. Then you choose your favorite juice and mix them together. Technically you don't even need the juice. I let mine ferment for about a month. It was always bitter, however, and after several attempts I gave up. Has anyone had luck in producing a homemade wine that had a sweet and acceptable taste? How did you do it?
I have made several brews and almost all turned out ok. Try looking up a few of the amateur wine-making books available on the net [amazon do a couple] and check what you may have been doing wrong. Actually to create wine, as opposed to rough alcohol you do need either juice or fruit for the yeast to feed on. Second a ferment will take as long as it takes - if you try to stop it you will either end up with a lot of unconverted sugar or a lot of live yeast. Not too sure of the situation on your side of the pond regarding recipes, legal issues, equipment availability etc etc but if you can't get any info on line I can post a few recipes here if you want to try them.
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