Have you ever cooked fish on the grill or over a campfire?


25 Sep 2014
Local time
3:36 AM
Cooking fish outdoors makes sense to me. I have had it on camping trips, but always in a pan. I've never eaten it cooked right on the grill, but it sounds really good.

I've also heard of people wrapping it in heavy duty foil and cooking it the campfire coals.

Have you tried any of these methods?
We used to get a Aussie product called paper bark,soak it in water wrap the fish in it and place over the heat ,it steams and bakes ,the other way is bannana leaves ,again it's not native to the uk,or foil wrap your fish with a flavoured compound butter and a splash oy White wine and let it steam over the coals
I have and it was lovely! It was during a camping trip, we went fishing, caught a few and barbecued them back at the campsite. It was the freshest fish I have ever tasted and it was beyond delicious! I'd recommend catching your own fish and eating it to anyone.
We've caught our own and took them back to my in law's (God rest them) home for a fish fry before. We used to all head out together for a day/night of fishing. My in laws would clean and prepare the fish, and I'd make or bring side dishes and we'd put on a feast for the entire extended family. Those were some good times.

Fresh fish is fantastic.
Cooking fish outdoors makes sense to me. I have had it on camping trips, but always in a pan. I've never eaten it cooked right on the grill, but it sounds really good.

I've also heard of people wrapping it in heavy duty foil and cooking it the campfire coals.

Have you tried any of these methods?

It's a big business in my country. Every weekend tourist and visitors alike make their way to our local shopping town where all kinds of fish are grilled right in front of you. It's quite a business. As for me, I have not done it myself, but my husband has done a lot of grilled fish back in the day. These days the grill has been retired of sorts. Grilled fish is the best though, and on the odd occasion I'll use my small indoor grill but not recently. I hate the cleaning up after grilling. As for the wrapping and coals, neither of us have tried that.
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When I have been out on survival courses and other bushcraft courses, we have literally just smoked/lightly cooked the fish using several freshly cut and split sticks to hold the prepared fish over the fire so that the fish cooked slowly over several hours (depends on the size of the fish and how far you stake them out from the fire) over the campfire. The fish itself was amazing and some of the best I have ever tasted*. It was literally just cooked from the heat of the campfire and lightly smoked from the smoke blowing over the fish.

And the best bit is, there is no cleaning up either - you just burn the sticks used at the end of the day.

*I do kill, gut and prepare anything caught on these courses because I do go out into these situations and knowing how to and actually doing it are 2 different things altogether and for me survival includes being prepared and that is also prepare to survive!
i go mackerel fishing in the summer either off the beach or off the boat,nothings better than a beach bbq,with fresh fish ,we dump the insides and the heads in the sea,then fillet the fish and v bone the pins out ,sprinkle with olive oil and straight on the bbq ,either a disposable one or our cobb ,then straight on the plate squeeze of lemon and potato salad and green leaves
It's a big business in my country. Every weekend tourist and visitors alike make their way to our local shopping town where all kinds of fish are grilled right in front of you. It's quite a business. As for me, I have not done it myself, but my husband has done a lot of grilled fish back in the day. These days the grill has been retired of sorts. Grilled fish is the best though, and on the odd occasion I'll use my small indoor grill but not recently. I hate the cleaning up after grilling. As for the wrapping and coals, neither of us have tried that.

I would love this place. I enjoy fish better than most foods, so this would be heavenly for me.

Thanks for all the great replies, everyone. You guys have some great experiences. I haven't been out fishing in ages. I really should go again.
I would love this place. I enjoy fish better than most foods, so this would be heavenly for me.

Thanks for all the great replies, everyone. You guys have some great experiences. I haven't been out fishing in ages. I really should go again.

I used to be taken to fish with my brothers as a child. I have only very vague recollections of that time. They mostly fished for crayfish and I think some crab. My nephew recently told me he was going fishing as well and while I was curious, I still have not joined him as yet. I need to probably commit to dragging myself away from the grind of work and enjoy the outdoors in the time I have left here.

The fishing town I mentioned is less than five minutes drive away from my house and I can't tell you when last I took in some of the food and entertainment. Let me know when you are coming Zyni. I know you'll love it and then I would be forced to get up and out myself.
I've never done it myself, but I have seen it done in front of me once. It was this freshly caught fish and they grilled it right on the beach. By FAR the best fish I've ever eaten anywhere.
I fish & carry a grill with me when I do...so...you do the math? lol Do I throw some back? Sure. Do I use some for bait? Absolutely. Will I cook them on a grill? As often as I am given the opportunity. Mmm, can I just take this opportunity to thank Old Bay? Thank you, Old Bay. You are the perfect size for my tackle box.
I fish & carry a grill with me when I do...so...you do the math? lol Do I throw some back? Sure. Do I use some for bait? Absolutely. Will I cook them on a grill? As often as I am given the opportunity. Mmm, can I just take this opportunity to thank Old Bay? Thank you, Old Bay. You are the perfect size for my tackle box.

NICE. How often do you go fishing?
I try to go every Sunday. Given I can. My guy is not a fan & my children are so busy with technology that they see little value in partaking with me. It kind of makes me sad because I remember when they were little & loved to go with me. Oh, brutal time, how I hate ye...:cry:
I try to go every Sunday. Given I can. My guy is not a fan & my children are so busy with technology that they see little value in partaking with me. It kind of makes me sad because I remember when they were little & loved to go with me. Oh, brutal time, how I hate ye...:cry:

They don't know what they are missing. I call it living. Maybe when they add a few decades on they will want to go fishing again. Fishing and carrying the grill sounds like pure pleasure. While I know how to applaud it and get excited about it, I am still a slave to my own laziness in this regard. When I found a nephew was still fishing, even though I found it exciting and I am yet to get up and join him. Procrastination!!!
It's so true. Laziness after a week of doing so many things an octopus is impressed is always something I have to fight off. However, there's a peace that comes with fishing that doesn't really come with a lot of things in life. The quiet. The nature. The simplicity. I've always had a soft spot for it. Even if I throw them back...but I do usually get hungry. Sorry, fish. :bbq:
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