Have you ever eaten Jerusalem Artichokes?


Nosh 'n' Splosh
Staff member
15 Jul 2019
Local time
3:29 PM
Ohio, US
[Mod.Edit: This post and following few posts moved to form new topic]

I've never seen Jerusalem artichokes for sale here; not at Kroger, not at the gourmet market, nor at the international market.
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I've never seen Jerusalem artichokes for sale here; not at Kroger, not at the gourmet market, nor at the international market.
I am a little surprised. I find them in my local produce market and regional supermarkets.
They are a "thing " in my region. They may be marketed as Sun Chokes. The plant grows tall with a flower that looks like a sun flower.
The flavor is beyond description.
Have you ever had them?

I am a little surprised. I find them in my local produce market and regional supermarkets.
They are a "thing " in my region. They may be marketed as Sun Chokes. The plant grows tall with a flower that looks like a sun flower.
The flavor is beyond description.
I'll start looking for sun chokes. I never even heard the term "Jerusalem artichokes" until I joined here, though I have heard the term "sun chokes," though I've never known what they were (until now).

It could be that Whole Foods or Trader Joe's have them, but I've never been in a WF, and I've been in a TJ's just twice, and left empty-handed both times. Color me very unimpressed. 😐
I am a little surprised. I find them in my local produce market and regional supermarkets.
They are a "thing " in my region. They may be marketed as Sun Chokes. The plant grows tall with a flower that looks like a sun flower.
The flavor is beyond description.

I think it is regional to you. Here they are available seasonally but really only in the best supermarkets and even then, not often. Many people in the UK would not know what they are.
I found this on Wikipedia:

"Gerard's Herbal, printed in 1621, quotes the English botanist John Goodyer on Jerusalem artichokes:

which way soever they be dressed and eaten, they stir and cause a filthy loathsome stinking wind within the body, thereby causing the belly to be pained and tormented, and are a meat more fit for swine than men."

Johnny sure didn't care for them! :)
It's funny this should come up, my daughter only asked me yesterday if I've had artichokes? I said no, and don't really plan on buying them. She said the same, wasting 90% of the vegetable.
Random this should come up.

We like them a lot, in fact we grow them on our allotment. They're very easy to grow and come back year after year so there's no need to buy and plat new tubers each year :okay:

My favourite way to use them is to add them to a gratin dauphinoise, they add a lovely earthy flavour to the dish. 70% potato to 30% jerusalem artichoke is about the right balance.

Yes in fact I posted a photo of Jerusalem artichoke soup on here a while ago. We like it. Care for the recipe?
I'd love the recipe please....we still have some left over that we need to do something with because they're past their best.

It's funny this should come up, my daughter only asked me yesterday if I've had artichokes? I said no, and don't really plan on buying them. She said the same, wasting 90% of the vegetable.
Random this should come up.

I think you're talking about globe artichokes....there's very little wastage on jerusalem artichokes.

Globe artichoke:

Jerusalem artichoke:
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