Health benefits of strawberrys


9 Nov 2013
Local time
12:54 PM
Can anyone tell me what's so great about strawberrys?
I would assume they have a ton of vitamin C in them or at least a good amount. Probably some fiber as well. They're also said to whiten your teeth!
I like eating strawberries and I never thought about the health benefits of them. I knew they were healthy, but I just lijed eating them.
Honestly speaking strawberries are really tasty and that is what I cared all about. However, just to answer your question, Strawberries are known to pack a punch with the Vitamin C they carry.
Strawberries are considered to be called as one of the super fruits which has lots of vitamin contents and antioxidants that is helpful for our body. Everyday I am blending strawberries, apple, carrot, tomatoes, kiwis and cucumber and a glass of this juice mixture is my breakfast for a long time already and I may say it works well for me because I do not get sick for years since I am having this as my breakfast. And I also learned that fruits and vegetables is best absorbed on an empty stomach so every morning I always feel energized to begin my day after drinking one glass of this fruit and juice combination
Can anyone tell me what's so great about strawberrys?

Sure! Besides their delicious taste, strawberries are considered to be a superfood! Meaning that they are nutrient rich so you can eat as many as you want and reap the exact benefits that they're made to do!
  • They are packed with antioxidants.
  • Boost immunity
  • Promotes eye health
  • Help to fight cancer
  • you will age a lot slower!
  • fight bad cholesterol
As these are only a few of the benefits, it's enough to know that they should be added into your weekly diet! xo
Strawberries actually can help burn stored fat and they are low in calories, making them a great snack option for those dieting or wanting to lose weight. In addtion, strawberries are high in fiber, and fiber can make you feel full longer, making you eat less. :)
Aside from being one of the best tasting foods, being easy to find in virtually any country, being relatively affordable and being great to make pies, jellies and cakes, strawberries are full of antioxidants and vitamins. I also heard that, as with apples, strawberries can help prevent cancer!
The benefits you can get in a strawberry is, it can lower your cholesterol level, lower your blood pressure, can guard against cancer cells, high level of antioxidants or known as polyphenols and it provides more vitamins than an orange .
To us, strawberry is vitamin C that is good for growing kids. Although we have no natural strawberries here in the city since they only grow in a place called Baguio City, there are strawberries in the supermarket and big groceries (not 7-11, they don't have it). We normally eat strawberry with the morning oats when I was a young girl. That's the healthiest breakfast a child can have, my mother would always say that. And we children would be eating that breakfast even if the strawberry is sour to our taste.
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