Hello Hello


Quo Fata Ferunt
17 Jan 2021
Local time
5:07 AM
Was referred over by another user and thought with all this COVID time on my hands, why not join another forum?!

I've been in the culinary|food&beverage field for 27 years, a chef for 21 of those years and wouldn't change a thing. Though the last few years I've transitioned out of the kitchen and am more of a corp support fixture, culinary mentor and handle photography, digital marketing/branding and social media for the company I'm with. Passion for photography is second only to my love of cooking, both things that have taken me all over and I hoe to resume the travel aspect as soon as covidly possible.

I see this board is more UK based, but also pretty international. Awesome! My dads side of the fam is all in Sheffield and Rotherham, and I've really missed my early trip to the UK this past year with all that's gone/going on. I've been from Southampton to Shetland and many places in between in the UK, I love it there and my better half and I plan on making the jump over in a few years for a more full time home base for our travels.

See ya around! Thanks for having me.
Welcome to CookingBites ThatDude :welcome:. Yep we are a UK run forum (the owner is from UK but now lives in Australia). We have a good international membership too. Could you please change your location to display where you are? Not sure why but it is displaying '441 in the 202' which means not a lot! Are you in the USA?

Your experience sounds fascinating and I hope you enjoy being part of our community. What type of dishes do you like to cook best?
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Welcome to CookingBites ThatDude :welcome:. Yep we are a UK run forum (the owner is from UK but now lives in Australia). We have a good international membership too. Could you please change your Location to display where you are? Not sure why but it is displaying '441 in the 202' which means not a lot! Are you in the USA?

Your experience sounds fascinating and I hope you enjoy being part of our community. What type of dishes do you like to cook best?
Will update location.

now in the 202= Washington D.C.

I spent a large portion of my cheffing with my 2nd restaurant, doing contemporary regional American, heavily based on the seasons offerings and what was local, though I was trained in classical French and then Italian. I prefer flavors of the pacific rim, sweet - sour - salty - nutty - spicy...lots of textures and temperatures...but my favorite thig to cook is whatever I'm making at the time. I love it all, honestly.
Hey "Dude," I know you. Glad you came to check the forum out. Being an international food forum, there is plenty to pick up here. I've seen your food photos, and we have a forum specifically for food blogs and photography. I'm sure you could add a thing or two.

Most of all, this is a very friendly community, and since the members are from all over the world, we have plenty of opportunities to say, "What's that?"

Welcome aboard... dive right in. :okay:

To the forum, ThatDude is a great guy. Please welcome him into your virtual kitchen.

Welcome to the forum.
I'm from Sri Lanka, a far away island nation. Your experience and passions show that this IS the forum for you! Great community and a lot of fun.
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