Home Baking


3 Jun 2015
Local time
10:22 PM
When was the last time you baked bread at home?
I have never baked bread. My mom use to make homemade bread all the time. It was so good. We use all sit around the stove waiting for her to take it out of the over.
It use to smell so good. We when slice it up when it was warm and have it with peanut butter or just butter. It was so good. I just go to the local bakery and pick up bread.
We don't eat a whole lot of bread so a lot of it tends to go to waste.
Last year. I have a bread maker, but for some reason my bread didnt turn out well. Rather flat to be honest.
I have 2 loaves in the oven as we speak and cooked 2 more yesterday.
All were sourdough loaves with 1 being Kammut flour, 1 a 50/50 white bread flour/cornmeal, 1 wholemeal and the other 50/50 dark rye and white bread flour. I have having a play.
I have 2 loaves in the oven as we speak and cooked 2 more yesterday.
All were sourdough loaves with 1 being Kammut flour, 1 a 50/50 white bread flour/cornmeal, 1 wholemeal and the other 50/50 dark rye and white bread flour. I have having a play.
You must eat a lot of bread! Either that or you're giving it away. One loaf lasts quite a few days in my house. However, I love the sound of your breads . The last one I made was rye bread too, but with 50/50 rye and wholemeal. Not as good as rye/white I think. A bit dense and heavy.
@morning glory Usually I only make 2 loaves of bread, but after I had started up the sourdough culture my grandfather was taken seriously ill and I ended up feeding the culture for a 2nd day (this being the culture not the starter which gets fed every day). So I had more culture than planned. I only use 500g of culture per loaf of bread (which goes with 500g of flour and the water to bind which usually makes a 1,300g loaf for a 2lb loaf tin). So after I had made the standard 2 loaves of bread I still had quite a bit of culture left. So I made a 3rd loaf (that's the rye loaf) and then I had roughly 350g of culture remaining so made up a cornmeal loaf as a 'play/doesn't matter if it fails' loaf... :whistling: hence the 4 loaves of bread.
My OH will have sandwiches for lunch most days and I usually have a couple of open sandwich as well plus if he likes to have a snack mid morning if he has cycled into work and usually has toast. Apparently he prefers my bread to the bread for toast at work, he gets less hungry and it tastes better. Who am I to complain? :happy: And I am trying to encourage him to re-start cycling to work now that I am a lot better than 10 months ago when our lives were randomly put on hold.
I have also found that the sourdough bread freezes really well, so 3 of the loaves are in the freezer. I won't make anymore until we are half way through the last loaf.
So after today, I won't be baking for a while. I have to make several batches of scones today and then the freezer will be full. I may pull out some sweet short crust pastry and some sweet chestnuts and make a chocolate torte, but I'm not sure.... we will see.
I actually do not know how to bake bread. Now that we have an oven, maybe, just maybe. We bought our cooking range last year and my husband had been contemplating on using it for baking cakes. But no one in the house knows baking. The most we had done is bake cassava cake, hahahaaa. But I understand it's not really a cake because the cassava cake has no flour, not even corn starch. But anyway, before the end of the year I hope to bake the morning bread for an experiment.
@Corzhens, can you get 'instant' yeast where you are? Its in dried powder form. It makes the whole process much simpler for a beginner. All you do is put all ingredients (including yeast) into a bowl and mix in some water until the mixture comes together. Then take it out and knead it! Shape it, leave it until risen and then bake it. That's the simplest method I know of for a beginner. Good luck!:)
I've never baked bread, actually! My sister in law just got a bread maker recently and she has been raving about how lovely it has been to have fresh bread, so it's convincing me more and more to possibly invest in one.
Well I have not baked bread in a while. I am trying to remember if it was coconut bread or banana bread I last made. It's one or the other as they are the only two I have ever made and was quite proud of myself. I've been going through a baking slump recently but two days ago I made some scones. It was my third time in a few weeks. I like scones.
I don't bake bread, I do bake cookies, muffins and banana breads.
At home only in the winter as we cook with a Rayburn cooker and it's lite all the time,
Freeze parcels of fresh yeast and get strong flours mf 1 and mf 4 from marriages
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