Recipe Homemade Egg Noodles


5 Jan 2014
Local time
2:37 AM
My grandmother taught my mother who taught me how to make homemade egg noodles. I love to make homemade chicken and noodles! I usually make large batches of egg noodles and store them.
Here is my recipe for homemade egg noodles:
The ingredients are simple:
1 cup of flour (plus added flour for rolling out)
1/2 teaspoon fine sea salt
2 large eggs
What to do:
Combine the flour and salt in a shallow bowl. Crack the eggs in the center of the bowl with the flour around it. Beat the eggs and gradually mix the flour in. Stir until dough forms.
Put the dough on a floured surface. Put flour on your hands and begin to knead the dough. Add more flour as neccessary. (This can take anywhere from 7 to 12 minutes)
Cover the dough with plastic wrap and let it chill for at least an hour.
Divide the dough into two sections. Work with each section seperately. Lay the dough on a well floured surface and roll the dough out with a rolling pin.
Use a sharp knife or a pizza cutter to cut the dough. (Or a noodle press if you have one.) You can make the noodles as thick or thin as you would like.
Once cut, lay all the noodles on a cooling rack or a drying rack.
Let the noodles air dry and then store them in an air tight container.
I like to make big batches and store them.
Do you make your own noodles? How do you make them?
I make my own noodles as well. I believe the recipe calls for 4 cups of flour, salt, 7 egg yolks and 1 whole egg. Mix it all together in a food processor until it's a soft powder, then slowly add water as you mix until it turns into a dough like consistency. We roll it out in sections, place it on a newspaper, and put it in the oven on broil. My favorite thing to do as a kid was sit there with the oven propped open, watching it form bubbles and telling my parents when it was time to turn it over. We'd cut up the sheets into noodle shapes and later use them in chicken noodle soup. I tried store-bought egg noodles for the first time a few weeks ago since I didn't have the materials to make my own up here at college, and they pretty much tasted the exact same as the ones I make.
Thanks for the recipe! I love noodles, but worried about the weird chemicals people put in them. I just want some simple noodles and this is what I have been looking for. Thanks!
Thanks for the recipe! I love noodles, but worried about the weird chemicals people put in them. I just want some simple noodles and this is what I have been looking for. Thanks!
I love these noodles! They are super easy to make! Plus, I love that I get to control exactly what ingredients goes into my noodles. You're right, there are numerous chemicals in store-bought foods. It's wonderful when we can make our own versions and make them healthier and safer for us and our families! :)
I make my own noodles as well. I believe the recipe calls for 4 cups of flour, salt, 7 egg yolks and 1 whole egg. Mix it all together in a food processor until it's a soft powder, then slowly add water as you mix until it turns into a dough like consistency. We roll it out in sections, place it on a newspaper, and put it in the oven on broil. My favorite thing to do as a kid was sit there with the oven propped open, watching it form bubbles and telling my parents when it was time to turn it over. We'd cut up the sheets into noodle shapes and later use them in chicken noodle soup. I tried store-bought egg noodles for the first time a few weeks ago since I didn't have the materials to make my own up here at college, and they pretty much tasted the exact same as the ones I make.
That sounds like a very interesting method, I'm going to have to try that!
I've got a pasta making machine (well a small one that I make raviolis, lasagne and Chinese dumplings with) and this recipe would be ideal!
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