Homemade Low Fat Ice Cream


15 Feb 2016
Local time
9:29 AM
A few years ago a friend at work brought me a serving of a new lowfat ice cream she had made. It was absolutely delicious and I was amazed at how much it tasted like real ice cream. Here's the recipe:

1 large banana
1 cup of blueberries, strawberries or blackberries
1 teaspoon of honey

Peel and slice the banana into medium width slices. Wash the berries and if using strawberries, slice them into thirds. If using blueberries or blackberries, there is no need to slice them. Place the banana and berries in a covered freezer container and freeze overnight. The next morning add bananas, berries and 1 teaspoon of honey to a food processor and process all ingredients together until you get a thick, ice cream-like consistency. Put the mixture in a serving bowl and enjoy!

This is a delicious dessert that tastes very much like ice cream or frozen yogurt. However, it is much healthier because there is no added fat and it has only natural sugars.
Thanks for posting this! I've tried making something along these lines and have to agree with you 100%. Banana-based ice cream is totally, if not surprising, delicious and smooth. Moreover, the possibilities for the recipe are boundless.Another recommendation of mine is to use avocado as part of the base. Due to the creaminess of avocado, it gives the banana ice cream a luscious texture without weighing down the flavor. A friend of mine swirls in cinnamon, which gives a different zing to the ice cream.
I love making ice cream like this - in fact it makes an awesome base to breakfast smoothie bowls. I often make a mix of a frozen banana and some other frozen fruits (mango, berries, peaches - whatever I have available) and then top it with some granola and seeds - it's a really good summery breakfast! And healthy, especially if you make your own granola so that it's not too loaded with sugars.
I have made this before and it was delicious. It has been a while though. It is the perfect dessert ! I think it's time that I made some more! Blueberry has always been my favorite! I have also done it with mixed berries which is very good too.
This it is the second ice cream recipe I have come across for the morning. The first was a melon ice recipe @Caribbean girl posted. Again I find this this recipe interesting and anything that calls for banana should be delicious in my opinion. I am yet to try ice cream of any kind. If I ever attempted any kind of ice, it must have been as a child. It's time to do something in my adult life and low calorie would be great.
Yes, I have made the banana ice cream before. It is super easyto make and tastes like a high calorie dessert. I love ice cream and it is surprising how simliar the banana icecream i tastes. You can also add things to it like a bit of peanut butter, honey or a teapoon of chocolate syrup. In fact it sounds so good, I might make some of it today! It is warm here, and I wanted to buy some ice cream last time I was at the store, but if I had it here, I would be gobbling it down. and I don't need that.
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