How can I create the taste of a liquid smoke?


20 May 2015
Local time
8:58 AM
I wonder how some restaurants manage to make their food taste like they have grilled the food for real. I know they are using liquid smoke or other techniques to save them time and effort. Do you have a safe alternative or a tip to help achieve a barbeque smoky taste?
I think they actually sell liquid smoke. I am pretty sure they do. IF you are grilling outside you can use mesquite or special grilling cubes to make your food pick up a different flavor. How you could make liquid smoke other than that I have no idea. I guess you would have to examine the ingredients in a commercial bottle and try to replicate them.
Well, I use liquid smoke sometimes. Its probably no worse than 'live' charcoal or wood smoke from the health perspective, but who knows?. I don't think there is any way you can make it yourself which would be any 'safer'. I sometimes use a splash in Chilli con Carne or on burgers. If you want to buy it then Stubb's brand is good.
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But if you really want the low down (including how to make it) read this fascinating article:

From the looks of it a real wood be put to fire and the resulting smoke collected maybe through condensation. Hmm sounds like a difficult process for me. I do appreciate the link above it opened my eyes. It made me feel that the one I wanted to accomplish may not be healthy in the long run. Thanks for your help morningglory
From the looks of it a real wood be put to fire and the resulting smoke collected maybe through condensation. Hmm sounds like a difficult process for me. I do appreciate the link above it opened my eyes. It made me feel that the one I wanted to accomplish may not be healthy in the long run. Thanks for your help morningglory
Well, like you,I wondered about making it myself. But when I researched it I realised I wasn't going down that route. For me, its Stubbs liquid smoke (used in moderation)!

I like the taste liquid smoke adds to the meat without having to cook it on the grill. I use liquid smoke on my ribs when I cook them in oven or slow cooker.
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