How crispy do you like your bacon?

How crispy do you like your bacon?

  • Floppy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Lightly done

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Medium

    Votes: 1 7.7%
  • Slightly crispy

    Votes: 8 61.5%
  • Done to death crispy

    Votes: 2 15.4%
  • *I don't like bacon (I'm a weirdo)

    Votes: 1 7.7%

  • Total voters


4 Oct 2012
Local time
12:26 AM
My wife likes bacon cooked to within an inch of its life - so crispy you can pick it up and snap it in half; the daughter prefers it to have a little crisp at the edges, but that's enough.

How crispy (or not) do you like your bacon?
I'd like to be able to actually chew it, as opposed to snapping it in the mouth. Too well done and(for me) it takes the flavour away, replacing it with that of what it was cooked in.
Bacon butties, the same.
It does depend on the context. For a good bacon sarnie it should be slightly crisp. To sprinkle on top of dishes (such as cauliflower cheese) then very crispy, so it crumbles. For standard eggs and bacon I'd go for medium crisp. But then again (I'm beginning to wish you hadn't raised this subject) there is a difference between back bacon and streaky bacon.Don't think I ever want it floppy though(!).
It does depend on the context. For a good bacon sarnie it should be slightly crisp. To sprinkle on top of dishes (such as cauliflower cheese) then very crispy, so it crumbles. For standard eggs and bacon I'd go for medium crisp. But then again (I'm beginning to wish you hadn't raised this subject) there is a difference between back bacon and streaky bacon.Don't think I ever want it floppy though(!).
Mainly the amount of fat
On a sandwich or with eggs I like my bacon slightly crispy. On a salad or crumbled on top of something, I want it crispy. I just do not want it floppy. I like a good deal of the fat rendered out. Now,,, how do you cook your bacon? I do mine in the skillet occasionally. I prefer doing it the oven just for the ease of not having to turn it, ect. I have done it in the microwave on occasion, but have not been as happy with the outcome. We just are among the majority of people,,, bacon makes everything better.
My wife likes bacon cooked to within an inch of its life - so crispy you can pick it up and snap it in half; the daughter prefers it to have a little crisp at the edges, but that's enough.

How crispy (or not) do you like your bacon?
I don't like burnt bacon, and I really don't like bacon that is under cooked at all. I am somewhere in the middle. I prefer my bacon either medium or lightly crispy. The perfect bacon is sometimes hard to find, but it can be done! I do a decent job usually and most restaurants do as well.
I do not like my bacon crispy at all. However, I must have it well done; I do not like it half done. I do not like it crispy because I must be able to chew it. When it is too crispy and dried out, I find it difficult to chew and most of the flavour is lost. Too crispy is near to almost burnt.
My wife likes bacon cooked to within an inch of its life - so crispy you can pick it up and snap it in half; the daughter prefers it to have a little crisp at the edges, but that's enough.

How crispy (or not) do you like your bacon?
That's my girl!!! Finally a category where I do not need to explain further. I actually came to say very. very. very, very crispy and then saw it was made easy for me with the "done to death crispy".
That's my girl!!! Finally a category where I do not need to explain further. I actually came to say very. very. very, very crispy and then saw it was made easy for me with the "done to death crispy".
He(Shauns') a boy, not a girl!
We deep fry Serrano ham slices at work and get a bacon crisp,also weight down slices of thin pancetta between two heavy baking sheets and bake till crisp as a stand up garnish
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