How do I make a potato pancake?


11 Nov 2014
Local time
1:28 AM
I see them being made at work all the time. They are these beautiful pancakes made from potatoes and panfried in oil...but every time I even fathom the idea of making them, I realize I can't remember the process. That's because I found out the actual shaping and first phase cooking is prepwork I don't get to see since I don't clock in til' later in the day. Does anyone know how to make those treats?
Here is a recipe using pre cooked mashed potatoe. You can do it using uncooked potatoe that you grate, but I would prefer to use cooked potatoe
The mashed potato is the key ingredient ,good old crop spuds,cooked evenly ,drained,dried and riced,they are riced to keep them dry and starch even ,
If the mash is wet or gloopy the pancakes will not be that good,I know from bad experiences
Most of the images of American potato pancakes seem to look like this:

potato pancake.jpg

These are not the mashed potato kind, or the potato farl kind, but more akin to a latke or a hash brown. These are made by using grated potato. I guess we need to know what kind of potato pancake you mean, @sorrowscall!
My mother in law used to make fried potato something - we don't know what it's called, maybe it's the potato pancake. I was not privy to the ingredients because I did not watch her make it. But it looks like that in the photo. I just cannot say about the taste but it's not a dessert but more of a side dish for meals. Maybe I have to experiment on that so I can say for myself that I had revived the cooking of my mother-in-law.
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