How do, or how often do you make French fries?


(Formerly Shermie)
21 Aug 2014
Local time
3:27 PM
Brighton, MA.
I'm planning to make French Fries tonight, & I was just wondering how often does anyone make French fries here. Or how does anyone make them different. I've only been doing them one way, but I guess there are other ways to do it. Do you have a certain way or recipe for them? Like other things, I guess there is no one way to do them. Everyone probably has one or more ideas in mind. :whistling:
I have to admit that I buy frozen Ore-Ida french fries. I double fry them. Once at 300F, followed by a cooling period, then fried a second time at 370F. The first fry cooks the insides to a fluffy texture, and the second fry puts a crispy crust on the outside.

I make them about once a month.

Probably every couple of weeks, and I do them in the air fryer, since it’s one thing I’ve found that the air fryer does very well.

I've heard that a lot. I don't have room for something that takes up counter space and does one thing well. :laugh:

We’ll have them every couple of weeks, too. Usually with fish, or burgers. They seem to go together. I’ll just buy crinkle cut and air fry. I have a couple deep fryers but have stopped using them because it is a hassle to clean and deal with the oil.
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Probably every couple of weeks, and I do them in the air fryer, since it’s one thing I’ve found that the air fryer does very well.

I won't be doing them in the air fryer this time. Only when I make BBQ'd ribs. It is part of THIS. Normally, I make fries in the Presto deep fryer.
Presto Big Kitchen Kettle..jpg
Ninja Foodi..jpg
Presto Big Kitchen Kettle..jpg
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I don't eat French fries at all but I eat chips probably three times per week. I used to deep fry the cut potatoes in beef dripping (long time ago) and sunflower oil (more recent) but found that firstly the oil "splashed" over the gas hob and secondly, disposal of the oil was a problem. If we lived in the centre of town there is a collection service for used oil but we don't. Now I use the air fryer (which is also handy for roast potatoes and chicken and crispy bacon).

Air fried chips.
I love French fries and chips. I am very picky though. The fries need to be crisp with a nice soft inner layer. So, you might say "So do I!" I never make them. I guess it makes me feel better to not know the amount of oil that went into them. I will make home fries and onions my way. Very little vegetable oil.
Fries or chips are served about once a week in my household. Usually I air-fry frozen fries because that's quick and easy, but if I've been deep-frying something and there's a recently used pan of oil around, then I will 'blanche' them in the air-fryer then finish them in hot oil - this is so the cold fries don't cool the oil down and it also prevents splatter and potential overbubbling of the oil.

On occasion I will make proper chips, cutting potatoes, chill, double fry or boil/blanche, etc..

[EDIT] - of course we also eat fries if we order a McDonald's or a KFC delivery.
[EDIT] - of course we also eat fries if we order a McDonald's or a KFC delivery.

In the last 35 or so years I have only eaten a McDonald's "burger" twice; once in Kuala Lumpur (1997) because I'd forgotten how tasteless they were and once in Laksi, Bangkok (2011) because it was the only place that I could find open and I was hungry. I refrained from ordering French fries with either of them. I'm not a glutton when it comes to punishment.
I don't eat French fries at all but I eat chips probably three times per week. I used to deep fry the cut potatoes in beef dripping (long time ago) and sunflower oil (more recent) but found that firstly the oil "splashed" over the gas hob and secondly, disposal of the oil was a problem. If we lived in the centre of town there is a collection service for used oil but we don't. Now I use the air fryer (which is also handy for roast potatoes and chicken and crispy bacon).

Air fried chips.

I'm sure that chips are WAY better than French fries, especially when cooked on a hob, instead of a stove. :rolleyes::D

I never cook French Fries for me; only chips, and they´re always fried, in abundant oil. I just love deep-fried food. Not that I eat it every day, or even every week, but deep-fried stuff is the tops. Falafel, croquetas españolas, pakoras, battered prawns, calamari, malai kofta, fish (for fish & chips) , just wonderful. I haven´t got an air fryer and have no interest in buying one!
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