How do you record and store your recipes?

Morning Glory

Obsessive cook
Staff member
Recipe Challenge Judge
19 Apr 2015
Local time
2:23 AM
Maidstone, Kent, UK
Do you keep a hand-written cookery book? Or perhaps you record your recipes digitally. Maybe you just have a recipe box stuffed with cut-out recipes and notes. I'm completely chaotic and trying to get more organised. At the moment, CookingBites is my filing cabinet because I post all my recipes here!

What about you - how do you record and store recipes?
I spent ages trying to find a free web-based tool but in the end I decided it was worth paying for Evernote - I have the lowest level paid-for version so I can access the database offline on multiple devices (useful when travelling).
I either either enter notes manually, take a photo from a recipe book, or clip them from websites. The database is searchable and you can create custom tags to categorise the recipes. Its not perfect, but it does the job pretty well.
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I upload my recipes to (formerly After doing this for a while, I started to get concerned about what might happen if the site went down. So, I decided to start downloading them and saving them to individual files. I only got through about 20 recipes...and I have another 200 or so to go, with more getting added all the time. *sigh*
I upload my recipes to (formerly After doing this for a while, I started to get concerned about what might happen if the site went down. So, I decided to start downloading them and saving them to individual files. I only got through about 20 recipes...and I have another 200 or so to go, with more getting added all the time. *sigh*
If you have recipes here on this forum they are very secure in the sense that the site owner has said that even if the forum (God forbid!) should close, there will be an archive available.
I upload my recipes to (formerly

I also use plus I have my own website and a couple of food related websites belonging to a friend and to which I "contribute". Albeit scattered around various hard drives I also have the recipes (and photographs) stored electronically. It may be difficult and time consuming but I am able to find said recipes (eventually).

[Edit: Up until a couple of weeks ago all the images included on my site or geniuskitchen or Cookingbites were captured by me and were of food cooked by me, except for some inexplicable reason, spicy spring rolls. That was rectified recently when I eventually got a "round tuit":

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On the computer in Documents. Then when I'm ready for it, I just send it to one of the printers. :wink:
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Craig doesn't realize it, but we upload to cloud storage as well (I deal with the computer stuff) so we can access them on 1 of our tablets or phone. He doesn't like to use the tablet for some reason, even though he has a 10" one.
Craig doesn't realize it, but we upload to cloud storage as well (I deal with the computer stuff) so we can access them on 1 of our tablets or phone. He doesn't like to use the tablet for some reason, even though he has a 10" one.
When he's working on a dish from a recipe, then, he has the notebook handy, or he brings the laptop over to the counter? I find that a tablet is a great way to reference a recipe.
I have a range of options available.

Firstly I have always kept a copy of every recipe we have cooked and liked and most importantly wanted to cook again.

7 years ago we went off to attempt to cycle around the world and with that wanted our favourite recipes with us on the road and available when we got back. So I sat and scanned every single recipe we had collected over the years. Everything was saved as a jpg file where the filename was the recipe name so it was always immediately searchable via a simple search/find command.

We also had a vast number of cookbooks so made the decision that unless we had cooked more than 5 recipes from the cookbook, it was sold or given away. We scanned the recipes we wanted from these books.

We now have a new paper cookbook system which is if we have cooked it since we came back from our cycle tour it is printed off, stuck in and indexed. Handwritten notes are often added and usually a sign it's something we like. We also have old and new cookbooks and bookmarks with temporary notes regarding the recipe litter of books. Handwritten amendments to in only for corrections or when we have cooked something several times and prefer a different flavour.

If i find a recipe I like online, then it is usually copied to a word document, reformatted so it takes much less space up, picture added and saved in the recipe folder. I'll print it off when I cook it, preferring not to have an computer equipment in the kitchen (guess is a side effect of having worked in server rooms for so long where no food or drink is permitted even though household tablets and phone are all waterproof models.).
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Nope, he walks back and forth to the computer, we have a "great" room that combines the office area, kitchen and family room, or he prints it, or if I happen to be working I read it off to him from the desktop.
I was seriously going to guess that he walked back and forth from the computer to the kitchen. That’s what are used to do, but I couldn’t imagine anyone else being that ridiculous. :laugh:
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