How do you take your coffee?


16 Dec 2015
Local time
10:33 AM
Okay, let me start off by saying I am a true coffee lover!!!!! I do not start my day without one and I definitely enjoy more than one a day. Usually, I just add some milk and half a teaspoon of sugar. On the rare occasion, I buy the specialty creamers, you know the International Delight flavored ones. However, these creamers can be a bit pricey so it's more of treat and not an everyday occurrence. Sometimes I add a little cinnimon to my coffee to add a little jus ne sei quoi...

How do you take your coffee?
I love coffee too I usually take it with cream and a little sugar. there are times like when I am a bit tipsy after a drinking bout I will make strong black coffee with a little sugar. Always drink water after consuming coffee this will lessen the stains in your teeth and to wash out the after taste. If I have money I try the fancy coffee shops and try out the different blends and concoctions.
Actually I am not a lover of drinking coffee but when ever I am drinking coffee I always want it to have more creamer for a more delicious taste. And I always want the brown coffee.
I have mine black, for the most part! I got used to drinking it that way and honestly now if there's a ton of creamer/sugar it just tastes too sweet for my liking. Don't get me wrong, I'll occasionally indulge in a special seasonal coffee shop coffee that's full of way too much sugar....but it's a special treat rather than an everyday thing!
I either drink my coffee black or with a bit of milk. I enjoy my morning coffee. I never drink coffee a any other time of day.
Always, always with milk or cream. I dislike both black coffee and sugar in my coffee. The only time i add sugar to coffee is if it is a pot that has been sitting around like at the bank or something...and you need the sugar to make it drinakable. Fortunately, most places these days are using Keurigs.. You don't run into that nasty coffee much anymore...and Hallejuah brother!:p:, can I get an amen??:laugh:
I have mine black, for the most part! I got used to drinking it that way and honestly now if there's a ton of creamer/sugar it just tastes too sweet for my liking. Don't get me wrong, I'll occasionally indulge in a special seasonal coffee shop coffee that's full of way too much sugar....but it's a special treat rather than an everyday thing!

When I was in highschool, I had a teacher who once told me that coffee was meant to be enjoyed black, not with all the fancy creamers and sugar. Therefore, I did drink my coffee for quite some time black. However, when I met my husband I began to drink it like he does, one sugar and two milk/cream.

I agree with you when it comes to the fancy creamers or coffees that come out seasonally, it is a treat and not an every day thing.
Always, always with milk or cream. I dislike both black coffee and sugar in my coffee. The only time i add sugar to coffee is if it is a pot that has been sitting around like at the bank or something...and you need the sugar to make it drinakable. Fortunately, most places these days are using Keurigs.. You don't run into that nasty coffee much anymore...and Hallejuah brother!:p:, can I get an amen??:laugh:

Amen brother!!!! I love my Keurig and I am glad that most places have now replaced the old style of making coffee in their offices with this beautiful machine :)
I love coffee, both the taste and aroma, but I drink mine sweet and light, with lots of sugar and cream. If I had to do without one of the two, it would be the sugar, and I have cut back somewhat over the years on how much sugar I add. I use light cream or half and half in my coffee, not milk. Even full milk (not skim or 2%) is too watery for coffee, in my opinion. When I have iced coffee, I cut back somewhat on my cream input, but still don't care for it black, although if I had to drink coffee black, it would be iced.
I don't drink much coffee anymore but when I did it has varied over the years on how I drink it.

I grew up drinking it white so loads of milk in it. I would have it roughly 1/3rd milk but no sugar. It would have to be made cool enough by the addition of enough milk for me to drink it there and then.
That was the way it stayed until I could no longer have milk with 1 exception and that was when I was out mountaineering/hiking and drinking coffee from a flask. Then it would be black with enough sugar to be sweet. How much sugar depended on what my body told me I needed and the coffee would be made up there and then do my flask only ever had hot water in it.
When I developed this allergy to dairy I naturally went to having my coffee black with 1-2 sugars in it.
But for the last few years I have lost the taste for coffee & tea and only occasionally drink coffee now and it has to be as a latte made with almond milk ideally or if we are out, soya milk and that always need sugar adding to it in the UK. (Professional soya milk, the only variety allowed to be used in the catering industry is unsweetened and vile!)
I take mine black without cream or milk--- I only take mine with 2 tablespoons of brown sugar. This coffee is ideal for my healthy lifestyle. I don't go to Starbucks or what have you but when I really have to I just order their black coffee or green tea. No more processed drinks for me thank you very much.
I have just acquired a taste for coffee. In my teenage years I used to work in a donut shop and for the longest time I couldn't drink the stuff. My husband really loves coffee so in restaurants I started having a coffee with him. I like my coffee - double double - 2 creams 2 sugars. I also don't like milk in my coffee I prefer cream. Iced coffees are nice in the summer too. I'll make those with instant coffee and milk and half and half, sugar and ice cubes. I really like Tim Horton's decaf as well. I don't need the jolt of caffeine although on some days it is nice to get you going in the morning.
I have just acquired a taste for coffee. In my teenage years I used to work in a donut shop and for the longest time I couldn't drink the stuff. My husband really loves coffee so in restaurants I started having a coffee with him. I like my coffee - double double - 2 creams 2 sugars. I also don't like milk in my coffee I prefer cream. Iced coffees are nice in the summer too. I'll make those with instant coffee and milk and half and half, sugar and ice cubes. I really like Tim Horton's decaf as well. I don't need the jolt of caffeine although on some days it is nice to get you going in the morning.

I love iced coffees also, I am a junkie for coffee in any form. I tend to ask for my ice coffee with chocolate milk as oppose to cream or regular milk. It's delicious don't knock it til you've tried it :wink:
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