How have you changed your cooking in order to be healthier?


3 Dec 2013
Local time
7:26 PM
The best shift I have made in my cooking to be more health is the use of less salt. At first, it was hard. I was used to putting a lot of salt on all of my foods. However, after making a concerted effort and opting for healthier seasonings, I was able to reduce my usage of this popular condiment.
I started cooking from scratch. I was using a lot of pre-cook and processed foods to jumpstart my meals. Now, most of my dinners are made from scratch. I rekindled my love of cooking. Plus my food tastes so much better. I have lost weight, feel better and mu skin glows a bit.
It had been two years already since I changed my style of cooking for a healthy life. Before I used butter in most of my recipes but now use only Olive oil for my cooking. I had eliminated already too much salt, sweets, processed canned goods, food additives and seasonings because I know it is bad for our health that is why I take it only in moderation and now I am always aware what food is good to eat or not.
I have made some changes in my cooking because of health issues with my roommate. He is a salt freak but has to really cut down. I have tried sea salt, the half and half salt but he is a stubborn man. I could really use some help as far as substitute spices that may help curb his salt addiction. We have also given up canned soups and canned sauces because the sodium content is unreal. Now I make homemade soups and sauces and what a difference in taste and flavor.
I did. My mother cooks with a lot of salt, so as I learned most things with her I would always put too much salt on my food. A bit more oil than needed also. It has been a little over a month that I took the conscious decision not to use a lot of oil and salt. In fact, I use very little of them. I find that using stuff like herbs and condiments (like pepper) is better for your health and tastes richer than using a lot of salt!
I try to buy healthier products. I'm not a health freak, not by a long shot, but I do my best to get fresh vegetables and also try to go for the food products with good nutritional values. (and by this I don't mean low calories) I also add fruits into my diet in order to get vitamins.
The best shift I have made in my cooking to be more health is the use of less salt. At first, it was hard. I was used to putting a lot of salt on all of my foods. However, after making a concerted effort and opting for healthier seasonings, I was able to reduce my usage of this popular condiment.

I've basically learned how to get creative in substitutions. When you're a vegetarian and/or vegan, some things you just can't eat or enjoy anymore so you have to make substitutions. For example, (which is fairly common) giving up the processed canned fruits and opt for the fresh fruits. The only humans that should be consuming canned fruits are children and even then it's pushing it. Eat sweet potato instead of white potato. Eat whole wheat pasta/zucchini noodles instead of white pasta. Making those switches makes a big difference!
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