How is the corona virus affecting you?

The Late Night Gourmet

Home kook
Staff member
30 Mar 2017
Local time
3:31 PM
Detroit, USA
Hopefully no one we know will catch it, but things have started to change dramatically in the States. From simply encouraging people to wash their hands, we now have all sporting events shut down until further notice.

For some reason, people seem to be obsessed with buying toilet paper; there are many places where those supplies are cleaned out (so to speak). We've been gradually stocking up on canned goods and dry goods. I'm hoping we will be able to still get fresh meats and vegetables.

In Michigan, Universities have already gone to on-line-only instruction. High schools and earlier are closed starting Monday for the next few weeks. However, "closed" doesn't adequately describe it. I had thought this meant that the students would get an early break for a few weeks. Instead, there are plans in place to either do Web Chats, where a live lesson will be conducted, or "packet learning", where a packet of materials will be distributed to students.

I work for Ford Motor Company, and I've had a laptop for many years. We are now being told to stay home until further notice. We are allowed to borrow monitors and docking stations, which would normally stay at work. I have worked remotely for a few hours - up to a day - at a time with just my laptop. But, I can't see trying to sustain my normal workload with just a touchpad and a small monitor.

Life goes on.
Hopefully no one we know will catch it, but things have started to change dramatically in the States. From simply encouraging people to wash their hands, we now have all sporting events shut down until further notice.

For some reason, people seem to be obsessed with buying toilet paper; there are many places where those supplies are cleaned out (so to speak). We've been gradually stocking up on canned goods and dry goods. I'm hoping we will be able to still get fresh meats and vegetables.

In Michigan, Universities have already gone to on-line-only instruction. High schools and earlier are closed starting Monday for the next few weeks. However, "closed" doesn't adequately describe it. I had thought this meant that the students would get an early break for a few weeks. Instead, there are plans in place to either do Web Chats, where a live lesson will be conducted, or "packet learning", where a packet of materials will be distributed to students.

I work for Ford Motor Company, and I've had a laptop for many years. We are now being told to stay home until further notice. We are allowed to borrow monitors and docking stations, which would normally stay at work. I have worked remotely for a few hours - up to a day - at a time with just my laptop. But, I can't see trying to sustain my normal workload with just a touchpad and a small monitor.

Life goes on.
I have MS so do not want it, It seem people are going crazy. I have chosen not to go outside after today. Ray agrees.

Sarana x
Well I might or might not have it, unsure. I have some flu symptoms currently (achey muscles, feeling meh in general, hot/cold flashes, and a persistent headache) but no fever or serious coughing/sneezing so it might be something else than corona. However, our government doesn't test anyone unless they are being hospitalized, so it's a guessing game for me.

Those who are unsure like me are requested to stay at home until further notice, which is what I am doing and so is my husband. We've prepped for years for events like this, so we did not have to panic buy loo roll or other things people are suddenly going crazy about. We're good with what we have for at least a month, though we'll run out of butter, yoghurt and eggs pretty fast. But those are not essentials to live on, we have oil and enough other ways to bake things. Besides, the food supply is OK even in Italy so we should not have to worry about this anyway. But if push comes to shove, we can deal with it.

Major problem looming for us that our stepsons will likely be quarantined with us, and our eldest has OCD + severe autism+ ADHD which is a very unfortunate combination for a lockdown, he normally already eats all our energy and we hope and pray that he doesn't get psychotic during lockdown. The younger stepson also has autism and adhd and intermediate explosive disorder, so you can see what will happen if these two are locked up together for a while. We're not looking forward to that, to say the least. I hope things don't escalate while emergency services are down like they are in Spain currently.

So, when it comes to feeding and taking care of ourselves we'll be fine. I have chronic conditions but not any that put me in a high risk group with corona, and I am also pretty young at 32 so I'll probably be OK even if I do get it. But when it comes to the mental toll that all this might take, I'm not so sure. Hoping for the best.
Other than being perplexed by the panic buying (toilet tolls here too) the only change I have seen is at work where we are being asked not to visit customers snd suppliers, and they are not bring invited to come to our premises.
The UK government's response is imho measured, and is based on dampening down the peak whilst managing its spread through the population so giving us herd immunity to future outbreaks.
Well, in Ohio, the governor shut a lot of stuff down yesterday, through March for the time-being. No public gathers over 100 people, with churches and offices exempt ( 🤷🏻‍♂️) and of course stores have to be open. Schools closed for three weeks at least. No hospital/nursing home visits.

At work, typical waffling. Managers are allowed to make "reasonable" accommodations to allow people to work from home, those who can, anyway. At the same time, they're saying if someone is needed at work, make them get their ass back to work, but really, you should try and let them work at home, unless you really need them in the office...basically, corporate is refusing to lead and dumping it off on local managers. 🤦🏻‍♂️

I work from home three or four days a week anyway, and my wife is self-employed, she's always home, but my manager just sent an email saying they're looking at half of us two weeks in the office, then two weeks home, and we swap back and forth - a perpetual self-quarantine process. Nuts.

My wife is a travel consultant. She's been spending lots of time on the phones with vendors and clients, keeping track of everything. We have a vacation break (which includes a cruise) scheduled for early May. We're all but certain that will be cancelled.

We're decently stocked for the short-term. Our biggest concern is that MrsTasty has a severely compromised immune system, so she stays home a lot anyway, but if I'm having to run out and about, or go to work, it increases her chances. Two of her doctors have already specifically spoken to her to tell her that at the first sign of any symptoms, get to the emergency room, because she is exactly the type of person for whom this could likely prove fatal. So we're worried about that.

Hopefully, this time next month, we'll all be laughing about toilet paper shortages and hand sanitizer baths and all that. Right now, it's mainly just inconvenient and a bit of the fear of the unknown.
Well, in Ohio, the governor shut a lot of stuff down yesterday, through March for the time-being. No public gathers over 100 people, with churches and offices exempt ( 🤷🏻‍♂️) and of course stores have to be open. Schools closed for three weeks at least. No hospital/nursing home visits.

At work, typical waffling. Managers are allowed to make "reasonable" accommodations to allow people to work from home, those who can, anyway. At the same time, they're saying if someone is needed at work, make them get their ass back to work, but really, you should try and let them work at home, unless you really need them in the office...basically, corporate is refusing to lead and dumping it off on local managers. 🤦🏻‍♂️

I work from home three or four days a week anyway, and my wife is self-employed, she's always home, but my manager just sent an email saying they're looking at half of us two weeks in the office, then two weeks home, and we swap back and forth - a perpetual self-quarantine process. Nuts.

My wife is a travel consultant. She's been spending lots of time on the phones with vendors and clients, keeping track of everything. We have a vacation break (which includes a cruise) scheduled for early May. We're all but certain that will be cancelled.

We're decently stocked for the short-term. Our biggest concern is that MrsTasty has a severely compromised immune system, so she stays home a lot anyway, but if I'm having to run out and about, or go to work, it increases her chances. Two of her doctors have already specifically spoken to her to tell her that at the first sign of any symptoms, get to the emergency room, because she is exactly the type of person for whom this could likely prove fatal. So we're worried about that.

Hopefully, this time next month, we'll all be laughing about toilet paper shortages and hand sanitizer baths and all that. Right now, it's mainly just inconvenient and a bit of the fear of the unknown.
I hope that both of you stay well an safe.

Sarana x
I like lime in my Corona! Seriously the level of paranoia is ridiculous. You'd think it was "Capt. Trips" from "The Stand" the way some are reacting.
No real personal concerns but the control tower at the airport is under a kind of lockdown. No 'outsiders' allowed in. Their main concern is the availability of essential staff. Should they run out of air traffic controllers, engineers (me), Ops or Sparks the airport may have to close down.
Sorry to hear about MRS Tasty. Thinking about you and yours.

I have recent lung damage from the embolisms, so I might be at risk too but because I have no related chronic conditions I am still likely able to cope.
Thanks, I do hope you all fare well doing the upheaval.

My folks are in their 80's, and unlike some some people their age, they don't give a rat's butt about this whole thing. They're going out every day, eating out, going to Walmart, touching everything, shaking peoples' hands, they don't care at all. :)
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