How many meals do you eat in a day?

Diane Lane

24 Apr 2015
Local time
3:01 AM
Texas, United States
Growing up, we had the typical 3 meals a day, with a snack or two in between. The snacks weren't always healthy, but we were kids, and liked sweets, even though my Mom always kept fruit and vegetables in the house. We didn't consider those snacks, since they weren't junk food. I don't quite know when junk food became associated with snacks, but it probably had a lot to do with television commercials.

Nowadays, I still tend to eat around 3 meals a day, but they're sometimes smaller meals, and are often supplemented with healthier snacks in between, such as a few carrots, an avocado, a salad, some crackers and peanut butter, an apple, or a banana.

How many meals do you eat in a day? What do your snacks usually consist of?
I usually eat 2 meals a day and a couple of snacks. The most frequently skipped meal is breakfast because I am usually in a hurry to get ready for work. I keep a stack of granola bars in my desk at work so that I can snack on one before lunch if I am starving. Snacks are usually junk food in my world, but I am trying to get better and eat healthier snacks. I am on a Greek yogurt and granola kick right now and typically have a bowl in the afternoon.
I typically eat two meals, breakfast and dinner, with snacks in between.
The snacks vary day by day depending on my activity level and what was on sale at the store that week.
I try to stick mostly to protein rich foods, and lately I've been trying to cut down on my carb intake, which is difficult when you bake as much as I do!
I always eat three small meals and two snacks. Breakfast is the most important meal so I always make sure that I have a good
breakfast to start off my day. I have a light lunch while I'm at work and then a nice dinner. I usually have an afternoon snack
which is usually fruit of some type and yogurt and I also have an evening snack before I retire for the night.
I'm getting Deja Vu. There is another long running thread with exactly the same title also under Health, Nutrition and Special Diets posted by @Caribbean girl!

I honestly don't remember what I said there but these last few weeks I have been all over the place with my eating.I feel like I could go from zero meals a day to six or seven depending on how you count. The sad truth is that I am very inconsistent and it might have worsened recently.
I tend to skip breakfast and have a brunch most of the time. I also have snacks any time I feel like hungry. To finish the day I always have a night cap after dinner.
Lately I enjoy a hearty breakfast and mostly grab a snack for lunch. Dinner is the main meal for me as it is the only time guaranteed to eat together as family. I am trying to cut back on snacking since I want to shed some weight around my middle. :happy:
Lately I enjoy a hearty breakfast and mostly grab a snack for lunch. Dinner is the main meal for me as it is the only time guaranteed to eat together as family. I am trying to cut back on snacking since I want to shed some weight around my middle. :happy:
Well, I'm on a permanent diet as I simply hate being overweight. Mostly vanity but also I feel sluggish if fat. I find I can't eat the recommended calories a day or I put on weight, so I skip breakfast and snack during the day on very low cal foods. I probably consume about 1300 to 1600 Kcals per day and my weight stays steady (2000 Kcals is the recommended average for a woman). I eat a 'balanced', but low fat meal in the evening, usually very late with a few glasses of wine or beer.
We have breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks in between so we eat 5 times everyday. We always get hungry almost every 2 to 3 hours a day and I don't know how our body develops the food we take because we don't really get fat. Maybe because it's genetic. We have slim and tall physiques. And even if we eat so much we don't get really big. Knowing how much I like cakes, ice creams and chocolates, makes my friends wonder how I manage to maintain my body. But I don't really eat a lot during meals. I maintain one cup of rice each meal maybe that's the reason why. Plus the fact that I do the chores at home makes me stay fit. So it doesn't matter if I eat 5 times a day as long as I burn it by exercising.
I grew up eating three healthy meals a day. But sometimes we had light snacks in between meals which usually are apple, banana, oranges, kiwi and cucumber and fruits that are season. We do not eat fruits together with our meals for better absorption in our bodies.
I grew up skipping breakfast largely due to laziness but mostly due to the fact I could not hold food down before 7am in the morning by which time I would be cycling to work. But things have changed and I can now usually eat at anytime of the day without a problem, so I tend to eat 3 meals a day with a snack around 4pm. If I am out cycling then I will snack every hour to keep up my strength.
We have breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks in between so we eat 5 times everyday. We always get hungry almost every 2 to 3 hours a day and I don't know how our body develops the food we take because we don't really get fat. Maybe because it's genetic. We have slim and tall physiques. And even if we eat so much we don't get really big. Knowing how much I like cakes, ice creams and chocolates, makes my friends wonder how I manage to maintain my body. But I don't really eat a lot during meals. I maintain one cup of rice each meal maybe that's the reason why. Plus the fact that I do the chores at home makes me stay fit. So it doesn't matter if I eat 5 times a day as long as I burn it by exercising.
You are so lucky. If I ate as you do I'd be huge!
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I eat the regular 3 meals a day. Breakfast is reserved for a lot of carb and protein loading. Lunch is reserved for salad and by dinner time I just eat fish or a lot of red meat with wine. I have one snack in the afternoon, I drink one cup of brewed coffee and my choice of sandwich bites. I eat very little to maintain 1900 calories a day.
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