How many of you actually cook the recipes on here?


1 Apr 2016
Local time
11:15 AM
London/Essex border, UK
I have tried quite a few of them (far too many to list) and saved many of the others to my OneNote to try later. Most of them have been quite successful, although some I have had to adapt because of my allergies. I have also found that I am eating a much more varied diet because of this. Thank you, CookingBites, for all the lovely ideas!
Unless I say I've added them to give others ideas, I'll have tried over 90% of those posted by me. Often they'll have been entered in some sort of competition, with the usual rule that copyright is signed over(no longer mine). Standard in most competitions, which is where they'll get their recipes for any publication they make. Cheap and easy method.

Some have been my own creations, from scratch, not adapted recipes because the origional was meant for four, whilst mine serves less.

What I got fed up off, was posting my own or relatives recipes, then have someone say "it looks identical to this one" they've found on the internet, why haven't I linked it? The same can be said for those "adapted recipes". Why are they not credited?

I've seen adaptations in size of relatives recipes, with no accreditation given. I've just let them know. In the worst case, someone bought a book to check what I'd posted.

There's times when it's liquids only for me. Hence the smoothie recipes.

I've found it easier to link to the sites & recipes than to have someone search for it on the internet, then say mine is the "same as this".
Quite a few - I usually post them up with 're-visited' or 'in the test kitchen' in the title. But like @Rocklobster I mainly use recipes (any recipes - here or elsewhere) as inspiration. One of my main interests is in developing original recipes (which is arguably impossible!) so I prefer not to replicate recipes. The exception is in patisseries such as croissants when I put my faith in Paul Hollywood.
I've made some of the things I see here, and I also do find inspiration for other things. There are just so many hours in the day, and I don't have nearly enough time to make everything I want. I've found that the Challenges push me to highlight certain ingredients, as opposed to just integrating things into a balanced whole. Nothing wrong with balance, but when you have an assertive ingredient, it's fun to make it shine without overpowering the dish. That's balance, too.
I cooked some of the recipes I saw here and for others that I wanted to prepare or to know I found good advices. For example pancakes or even jackets potatoes or know how it is a real full english breakfast or even the use of certain spices or vegetables that I did not know or did not remember.
Even before I owned this site (eecks :eek:, still haven't got my head around that bit) I was using the site to store my recipes and come back to. An online cookbook for my own reference. Though I still end up with paper copies because I can't guarantee that I'll have internet access when I want to cook something!

I have looked at some of the recipes posted. @Yorky's are closest to the style and type of dishes that my husband and I eat, so his are the ones that I have cooked, well some of. Like @Elawin my allergies mean that I often can't cook what others have posted, plus being vegetarian minus the dairy side of life means a lot of the recipes I don't make. I hate 'meat' substitutions. I don't see the need for them, there are enough vegetables and dishes from around the world that are either vegan or vegetarian for there to be no need to use fake meats. I have also cooked some of @classic33's recipes as well. :thumbsup:
I have obviously cooked all the dishes for which I have posted recipes, some many, many times. However as far as others, some I cook but use others for inspiration (mainly due to the unavailability of Western ingredients here). Also, I don't eat dessert or other sweet dishes and usually prefer stodge to light and fluffy. Subtle tastes are like pearls before swine to me given that almost 50 years of drinking and smoking have ruined my taste buds.
Unless I say I've added them to give others ideas, I'll have tried over 90% of those posted by me. Often they'll have been entered in some sort of competition, with the usual rule that copyright is signed over(no longer mine). Standard in most competitions, which is where they'll get their recipes for any publication they make. Cheap and easy method.

Some have been my own creations, from scratch, not adapted recipes because the origional was meant for four, whilst mine serves less.

What I got fed up off, was posting my own or relatives recipes, then have someone say "it looks identical to this one" they've found on the internet, why haven't I linked it? The same can be said for those "adapted recipes". Why are they not credited?

I've seen adaptations in size of relatives recipes, with no accreditation given. I've just let them know. In the worst case, someone bought a book to check what I'd posted.

There's times when it's liquids only for me. Hence the smoothie recipes.

I've found it easier to link to the sites & recipes than to have someone search for it on the internet, then say mine is the "same as this".

You can always find an (almost) identical recipe somewhere on the net. I always credit other people's recipes that I have used or adapted slightly. Nearly all of the stuff I post on here I have cooked at some point, but I have posted one or two recipes from my "to try" list, and then I have stated that I have not made them yet. What really bugged me was that once I posted a recipe on a site only to have it removed because the copyright owner had objected. It was my own recipe and even my own photo which I had posted to a group some time earlier that the "copyright owner" had pinched. I could even prove that my original post to the (other) group was made quite a while before this "copyright owner" had made their original post. I've had this happen too about a painting I did about 20 years ago, so now I am quite wary about posting some photos of my own creations.
You can always find an (almost) identical recipe somewhere on the net. I always credit other people's recipes that I have used or adapted slightly. Nearly all of the stuff I post on here I have cooked at some point, but I have posted one or two recipes from my "to try" list, and then I have stated that I have not made them yet. What really bugged me was that once I posted a recipe on a site only to have it removed because the copyright owner had objected. It was my own recipe and even my own photo which I had posted to a group some time earlier that the "copyright owner" had pinched. I could even prove that my original post to the (other) group was made quite a while before this "copyright owner" had made their original post. I've had this happen too about a painting I did about 20 years ago, so now I am quite wary about posting some photos of my own creations.
I've had a relatives recipe removed from here for breach of copyright. Backfired on them as no local shop would stock their new book, which included the recipe.
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