How many of you wash your knives in the dishwasher?


(Formerly Shermie)
21 Aug 2014
Local time
5:40 AM
Brighton, MA.
I was told not to, because the extremely hot water & maybe the detergent also, can make them dull!! How many of you heard this? I usually wash them by hand with a drop of detergent in warm water when I'm done using them. Do any of you believe this, or do you think that it's just a bunch of hogwash? What do you think? :whistling:
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I don't wash my sharp knives in there, only flatware. I think if I were to put my sharp knives in the dishwasher, especially in the same slots as my flatware, the amount of rattling around against the other utensils might dull the knives' edges. So I hand-wash them like you.
I rarely, if ever, use the dish washer. I am in the habit of hand washing and instantly drying everything. The dish washer is an expense that I can do without, given all the other uses of electricity that I have. At best, I will use the garbage disposal to flush tough stuff washed from dishes, after letting them soak for an hour or perhaps, overnight. The disposal takes about 30 seconds to run.
I wash table knives on the dishwasher, but not sharp, cutting knives though.
I hand-wash them, and like Poco, I've always read that it's more about them getting knocked around in the dishwasher that dulls them.
Things can get pretty hot in the machine! The Baby Care cycle heats the main wash & final rinse water temp to about 155 degrees. It might not sound very hot, but stick your hands in it. You'll more than likely get scalded!! It's too hot in there for sharp knives. :eek:
We don't have a dishwasher so 'no'.
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