How much of your web traffic is on CookingBites?

How much of your web traffic is on CookingBites?

  • Barely Any. I even voted on this poll by mistake. Where am I again?

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Some. When I get done with other sites, I come here.

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • About half. This site is an important part of my day.

    Votes: 5 41.7%
  • Most. I occasionally leave to look at other sites, then I return.

    Votes: 6 50.0%
  • Basically All. CookingBites is my Home Page, and my home.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

The Late Night Gourmet

Home kook
Staff member
30 Mar 2017
Local time
10:47 AM
Detroit, USA
I used to belong to other cooking sites, but I've stopped visiting them because this one has everything I need. But, I do other things in the Web in addition to my participation here. Besides researching recipes, I like sports, I enter my daily points on Weight Watchers, and I sometimes have other things I look up, such as movie ideas.

But, I find that increasingly here's where I want to go to talk about events of the world. It never even occurred to me to post some of my thoughts on Facebook...the toxicity of the political environment has caused me to avoid it for months.

My level of participation will fluctuate over time, but I know I will always have a home here. I have a feeling the others I'm seeing lately feel the same way.
I'm on here a lot and read everything posted. I also visit ChefTalk forum sometimes and join in their challenges from time to time. Not so much lately. Its rather US -centric. I like the international community here. Otherwise. I'm mostly researching ingredients and recipes which takes me all over the place. And then there is online shopping. All (and I mean all) my shopping is online so I'm often flitting about looking at designer plates, earrings, gourmet ingredients etc.
While the pandemic is affecting various people and businesses, I have since I returned to CookingBites, been spending a lot of productive time here. Its all well and good.

I used to spend a lot of time on a Camera and Photography web site, but with the pandemic going on, the discussions there have gone dry and boring. I only look in every now and then. A lot of the really knowledgeable people, like me, are no longer active there.
Since the pandemic, I spend a lot of time here. I still have friends at the other cooking forum I belong to, but don't spend much time there anymore. There is a lot of crock pot/instant pot cooking over there. I rarely ever go to the MINI car forum anymore. I don't know why. I can only guess that I can't keep active in more than one forum at a time -- I'm not much for multi-tasking.

I'm on a few special-interest forums (cooking, pizza, guitar, etc) and here's an interesting tidbit - on every single one (even here), I joined for that specific interest, but stayed because of the community.

On the two guitar forums I'm on...I rarely talk guitars or music. It's just about talking about other stuff with folks who are into guitars and music.

This is the one forum where I do contribute a fair amount to the subject-at-hand, but I'm just as inclined to chat about all the non-cooking topics we cover.
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it comes and goes.
lately with the political discussions I've taken observer status.
most topic board preclude religion/politics/etc.

Chefstalk I find more about business issues - actually cooking stuff generally relates to industrial scale problems.
nettalkcooking has withered on the vine.
discusscooking has a topic, now and then.
hungryonion and foodtalkcentral - only of value if you live there....
chowhound has actually bounced back a bit in terms of cooking content.

in the RIP heap: - BDL died

there's a _lot_ of places that show up in a search; last post months to years ago....meh.

in general it appear the "on-line" Forum format has been buried by the need to generate 'Like' clicks on social media.
it comes and goes.
lately with the political discussions I've taken observer status.
most topic board preclude religion/politics/etc.

Chefstalk I find more about business issues - actually cooking stuff generally relates to industrial scale problems.
nettalkcooking has withered on the vine.
discusscooking has a topic, now and then.
hungryonion and foodtalkcentral - only of value if you live there....
chowhound has actually bounced back a bit in terms of cooking content.

in the RIP heap: - BDL died

there's a _lot_ of places that show up in a search; last post months to years ago....meh.

in general it appear the "on-line" Forum format has been buried by the need to generate 'Like' clicks on social media.

I just gave your post a "Like" click. :laugh:

This is my main cooking/ talking with other posters here, definitely one of the friendliest forums, I'm also on cars sites V8 and classic cars. Murican BBQ site which also has a great bunch of people. Some folks on that site and I pm each other regularly. Two horse racing sites where everyone knows everyone. Plus a few others in my favourites.

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