How often do you eat lettuce?


Über Member
24 Jan 2017
Local time
6:19 AM
I was fascinated by the discussion about lettuce in another thread so thought it would be interesting to hear about how often people here eat lettuce and what is there favourite variety. We eat it perhaps five times a week with different meals. My favourite is little gem but I also like rocket.
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I like any kind, in sandwiches or as a base for a salad but I hate wasting it when I only need a few leaves each day. Recently I have started buying watercress and or baby spinach because I can use it in sandwiches and also cook it and serve with meals.
In the summer I enjoy delicious fresh leaves, I buy mini round lettuce plants from b and q, then plant them in the garden and keep them growing as long as possible by picking 1 or 2 leaves from each one every few days. I wage a war with the slugs, using chicken wire to guard them.
We use a lot of lettuce here - mainly crisp lettuce and rocket as those types seem to keep better. Watercress keeps well too. The bags of lettuce are really not a good idea - although I buy them sometimes. They go off so quickly. I like a good crisp cos lettuce and I think iceberg has its place. There is a snobbery about iceberg - but it keeps really well and adds a light crisp crunch.
Not often enough.
The next time that I go shopping, which will be in a little over 2 weeks, I will get some, along with some tomatoes and cukes for salad. :wink:
I have started to eat quite a lot of lettuce in the last couple of years. Green oak and red oak are widely available at very reasonable prices. Occasionally we may go mad and buy iceberg if it's available. Generally eat it in a burger or in a BLT and as a side to meat dishes or with prawns.
Really? I try to have lettuce on hand all the time but it doesn't always work out. I'd say I eat it as often as I have it which is very often. I'd be interested in seeing a recipe for this cooked lettuce just like you would @Cinisajoy.

I'll dig out some recipes - I'll try to photograph some. I have about 4 or 5 recipes. An old favourite is French Style Peas (Petit Pois a la Francais) which should contain bacon, lettuce, peas and stock. Google and you will find recipes (its a French classic).
I've cooked French style peas before. Its lovely with a pork chop and some mashed potato. I've also made lettuce soup.
Of course there are various types of lettuces, I like cos (very crisp) but my favourite is lamb's lettuce, aka mache lettuce/corn salad. Tasty and also nutritious!

For us it depends on the season: we eat lots of lettuce during the summer, but not so much in the winter. In the winter we'll usually buy Cos, Lamb's Lettuce or a mixed bag of baby leaves depending on what we fancy. In the summer we grow our own Rocket, Lambs Lettuce, Landcress (very similar to Watercress) and Little Gem.
We eat lettuce about 4 or 5 times a week, primarily in salads, but also as sandwich toppers, or in tacos and such.

Our salads are usually a store made mix of young leafy greens (spinach, arrugula, frisee, red and green oak, red and green butter, baby romaine, swiss chard, etc.), and we buy head lettuces like iceberg or romaine for topping type lettuces, or the occasional ceasar salad.

There was this weird trend here in the states a few years ago of something called a wedge salad. It was simply a quarter of a head of iceberg lettuce, a large wedge essentially, that is then doused in salad cream and crumbled bleu cheese. That's it! Just a large chunk of relatively flavorless lettuce and bleu cheese dressing. It was a big thing in steakhouses here, I guess because it is manly to have to use a steak knife on a salad.

Just weird.
We eat lettuce about 4 or 5 times a week, primarily in salads, but also as sandwich toppers, or in tacos and such.

Our salads are usually a store made mix of young leafy greens (spinach, arrugula, frisee, red and green oak, red and green butter, baby romaine, swiss chard, etc.), and we buy head lettuces like iceberg or romaine for topping type lettuces, or the occasional ceasar salad.

There was this weird trend here in the states a few years ago of something called a wedge salad. It was simply a quarter of a head of iceberg lettuce, a large wedge essentially, that is then doused in salad cream and crumbled bleu cheese. That's it! Just a large chunk of relatively flavorless lettuce and bleu cheese dressing. It was a big thing in steakhouses here, I guess because it is manly to have to use a steak knife on a salad.

Just weird.
Could be worse - I heard of a famous choreographer who said she just ate wedges of lettuce dipped in lemon juice! :headshake: (Presumably not all the time!) What about protein??? Not healthy to do that for any length of time.
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