How to avoid home-made bread going mouldy.

Morning Glory

Obsessive cook
Staff member
19 Apr 2015
Local time
9:18 AM
Maidstone, Kent, UK
Mod.Edit: Post moved to form new thread.
Homemade bread molds before we can
use it all unless I'm able to catch it in time and throw it in the freezer.

Any tips appreciated!

I sometimes put bread in the fridge (against some advice), I find it keeps longer that way.

Also, I often make small loaves if its just for the two of us. I use 250 - 300g of flour and 5g dried yeast and either make baguette or freeform - this sort of thing (can't remember if I posted this before). It was intended for the Recipe challenge: Mustard, as its covered in mustard seeds.



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I don't like putting bread in the fridge, unless I'm going to use it for something that doesn't matter that it's a little dry, because the fridge dries it out over time.

Most of the bread I make is sandwich/loaf bread. I do have it on my list to buy a half-loaf pan, which will solve a lot of problems. I can make a full recipe of dough, portion it off into half-loaf balls, then freeze those. Dough is one thing that does freeze really well.

Bread is just notoriously picky to keep fresh and for a long time - unless you buy the preservative-laden commercial breads. I'm not even opposed to that, if they made good bread, but the bread is just awful.
In this household, and it works for us, all bread including homemade is sliced and frozen on the day or purchase or baking. It is then sealed inside an airtight bag with most air pushed out and frozen as soon as possible. We then just remove frozen slices as needed. Hubby makes his lunch with frozen bread. It has always defrosted by the time he eats it around 11am (breakfast is at 6:15am). I pull a slice or two out about half an hour before I want to eat my lunch and at the weekends, we usually get through a new loaf of sourdough if we're staying a new loaf on a Saturday (or having a treat of a fresh loaf of sourdough). I'l finish it off on a Monday or Tuesday for lunch. Even homemade gets this treatment. We do find that they store best inside a brown paper bag inside the (reused) ziplock bag in the freezer. All toast is from frozen etc.
Works for us.
Wife buys a loaf of fresh cheesy white bread every Saturday, that's my bread for the week, she has whole meal, like satnav says, wife freezes hers and uses as she needs. I freeze half my loaf and eat fresh for first 3 or 4 days then I eat from freezer. Wife's bread lasts about 2 weeks, she's not big on bread.

Where I live we have 100% humidity regularly. I have tried baggies, keeping it in the refrigerator. What works the best has been wrapping dish towels around it. About 4. So far no mold, going on 5 months with this system.
Freeze it! We do this all the time with homemade or store bought that isn't used up quickly.
Where I live we have 100% humidity regularly. I have tried baggies, keeping it in the refrigerator. What works the best has been wrapping dish towels around it. About 4. So far no mold, going on 5 months with this system.

That's what I've had the most success with - wrapping it in a towel, cut side down, and just leaving it sitting on the counter.
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