How to cook rice on the stovetop?


5 Apr 2015
Local time
4:58 PM
Okay. I admit it. I only know how to cook rice in the microwave. I have it down to a science to a consistency, that works for me. I get a medium plastic bowl, measure out one cup of rice, add one bottled water, and set the timer for fifteen minutes.

Now, when it comes to cooking rice on the stove top. I do not have a clue.

Should I add just a little more water? Should I put a lid on my pan, right away? Should I place the lid in such a way that a little steam escapes or cover the pan completely? Do I need to let the rice sit for a few minutes for further cooking after removing from the heat?

The whole process confuses me. Sigh. Thanks in advance for any advice!
Normally, there is no time saved between doing it in the microwave vs. doing it on the stove. :eek:
I make a better rice in the microwave than the stove top. I don't know whatI do wrong it turns to mush on the stove top.
I like to use my rice cooker most of the time for cooking rice. It does an excellent job, and I really love it!! :wink:
I just measure the rice, add water, bring it to the boil, simmer for the required time without stirring it and then when done, drain. Cook according to the instructions on the side of the packet. I don't see how hard it is really. Set the timer and drain when cooked.
The rice & water ratio is about the same for both the rice cooker and doing it on the stove. I just like to cook it in the rice cooker. It always come out perfectly cooked. in that and on the stove. :wink:
I just measure the rice, add water, bring it to the boil, simmer for the required time without stirring it and then when done, drain. Cook according to the instructions on the side of the packet. I don't see how hard it is really. Set the timer and drain when cooked.

I do pretty much the same thing, but without the draining. I just add the amount of water instructed on the rice bag and there's never any liquid left over
plenty of boiling salted water ,add your rice ,i do give it a stir so i don't get any pockets of clogged rice,simmer till done how you like it ,drain and if required wash with boiling water,
i prefer pilaff type dishes,more flavour and make a great meat free meal
Either you're not using enough rice, or you're using too much water. :ohmy:
Overcoming sounds more likely. Too much water and boiling until there isn't any resulting in overcooking rather than using a timer according to the packet and straining of the remaining water when the cooking time is up.

Either that or a failed attempt at making rice porridge the traditional Indian way!
Overcoming sounds more likely. Too much water and boiling until there isn't any resulting in overcooking rather than using a timer according to the packet and straining of the remaining water when the cooking time is up.

Either that or a failed attempt at making rice porridge the traditional Indian way!

Yeah, for timing most of my cooking, I use the microwave's timer. The rice cooker times itself though. :wink:
Yeah, for timing most of my cooking, I use the microwave's timer. The rice cooker times itself though. :wink:
we have that old fashioned thing that you set the time on and it beeps at you when the time is up!
I don't cook with the microwave, it is only used for reheating things and mostly just my hot milk, plus when all 4 rings on the gas stove are in use, then we will cook something like peas in it, but otherwise it isn't really used much. We have just changed it to a much smaller model that takes up much less space. Give it a year or so and I would not be surprised if we didn't have one (again). We lived for over 20 years without one, so I can't see why we really have it tbh. A rice cooker or slow cooker would be much more useful.
we have that old fashioned thing that you set the time on and it beeps at you when the time is up!
I don't cook with the microwave, it is only used for reheating things and mostly just my hot milk, plus when all 4 rings on the gas stove are in use, then we will cook something like peas in it, but otherwise it isn't really used much. We have just changed it to a much smaller model that takes up much less space. Give it a year or so and I would not be surprised if we didn't have one (again). We lived for over 20 years without one, so I can't see why we really have it tbh. A rice cooker or slow cooker would be much more useful.

I ALSO have one that beeps. It is a digital magnetized one, so that it can be placed on metal things, like the fridge, microwave, etc.. It's a little Pillsbury Doughboy one. :wink:
I always make my rice on the stove because it is a quick enough process. I hate using the microwave for much of anything besides reheating left over food. The edges of the food almost always turn out molten hot, while the middle is luke warm at best. It is annoying.
Rice is easy to cook on the stove, you just put in equal parts of water and rice and let it cook, covered. Keep an eye on it and stir often because the rice will begin to stick to the bottom of the pot.
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