Recipe How to Make Palitaw (rice dumplings)


15 Apr 2014
Local time
10:14 AM
Palitaw is a Filipino delicacy good for dessert or snack.

Thee Ingredients:

3/4 kl galapong (powdered sticky rice)
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 coconut(meat is shredded)
1/4 cup sesame seeds (crashed/pounded)


1.Boil water in a big casserole.

2. Form the sticky rice like a small cookie in your hand (repeat this until there is no sticky rice left to form)

3. Put the formed rice in the boiling water and wait until it rise up or float. (you can put 7-10 pieces at one time depends on the area of the casserole)

4. Get the floating formed rice and put in the strainer to drain the water from it.

5. Mix brown sugar and sesame seeds. Put it on top of rice dumplings. Add shredded coconut.
This is very easy to make! Here's the recipe that I use:

hot boiling water
ice cold water
1/2 cup water
1 cup glutinous rice flour
1 cup ordinary flour
dessicated coconut shavings
sesame seeds


1. Lightly roast the sesame seeds in a pan, shaking them around or stirring until each seed is golden brown.

2. Set the sesame seeds aside, and boil water.

3. Mix the sesame seeds, sugar, and coconut together in a dipping bowl.

4. Mix the glutinous flour, ordinary flour, and room-temperature water in the proportions described. It would be a little silly to go through all this trouble to make a measly two cups' worth. So, you can actually make as much as you want, with a ratio of water to rice flour to flour 1:2:2 and combine until a dough forms.

5. Shape the dough into flat "tongues", maybe add ordinary flour to dry it up enough to make it easier to shape.

6. Put a "tongue" in the pot of boiling water. It should sink to the bottom. When it rises to the top, it's done cooking. It's normal for the cooked tongue to be maybe 30% larger than the raw tongue, and unevenly shaped because of the bubbles in the boiling water.

7. Remove the floating tongue from the boiling water, and transfer it to the bowl of cold water (especially if you are cooking multiple tongues) to stop it from cooking and sticking together.

8. Drain the cooled palitaw and dip them in the sesame seed and coconut sugar mixture until they are covered.

9. Eat and enjoy!
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