How to use frozen smoked ham


Über Member
9 Apr 2016
Local time
2:28 PM
Shanghai, China
Hello everyone

My boyfriend recently bought frozen smoked ham at the Ikea supermarket. I have no idea what to do with it. Should I defrost it and cut it into slices for a sandwich, should I cook it? I really would like to use it to create something delicious for us, however, I have a few limitations.
  • We have a tiny toaster oven so roasting it is not an option
  • Dairy is quite expensive here, so if it is dairy free it will help a lot
  • I live in China so I have access to ingredients like bok choy, soy sauce, sesame seed etc
I would love to hear any suggestions. Thank you in advance!

Here is the picture of the ham.
If your ham is already pre cooked you could make sandwiches out it. You could add it to omlettes and the like. You could also use it to flavor soups and vegetable dishes. If it is smoked, I am assuming it has already been processed.
This is difficult because I can't tell if its already been cooked. It sort of looks that way because of the brown 'squares' on the outside. But that could be from smoking. You really need to find out if it needs cooking or not. Some smoked hams don't need cooking because they have been cured and hung or aged. Others require boiling or baking. You could just defrost it and cut off a slice. I think you will be able to tell by looking at it if it needs cooking.
This is difficult because I can't tell if its already been cooked. It sort of looks that way because of the brown 'squares' on the outside.
Thank you, I started defrosting it yesterday. I have never dealt with such a huge piece of ham, and figured that I should throw it into a slow cooker, I did not consider the fact that it may already be cooked. I will get my boyfriend to read the back for any guidelines. I had no idea that they could possibly be already cured. :laugh:
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