

16 Mar 2015
Local time
1:20 AM
I know the diabetic diet is obviously great for diabetics, but does anyone know if it is good for avoiding lows in blood sugar as well? Are there any foods or habits in particular that we should be careful about, if we have low blood sugar? Some days, I have a terrible time keeping mine on an even keel.
Depends on which diabetic we're referring to. A Type II diabetic diet is meant to limit the intake of certain foods & make meals smaller/less frequent. I don't see how that can help with hypoglycemia it's geared more toward hyperglycemia. My personal suggestion to you is eat fruits of varying colours between meals. Should help immensely. Also, don't skip meals.
I'm not diabetic but I do have a condition that does cause to me suffer from hypoglycaemia. Unfortunately for me, when treated, I will suffer repeated attacks for hours on end unless I get some very specific IV fluids and steroids. It is best avoided!

One of the ways I avoid attacks is to ensure that I eat my meals at set times and do not under any circumstances skip them.
I don't do the avoid all sugars routine at all. I do try to avoid processed sugars though. I eat a lot of dates and dried fruit, along with nuts.
If I am exercising, then I need to ensure that I have had both quick and slow release carbohydrates before I go out. Quick to get me going and start me off, slow to keep me going later one. I will always ensure I eat something small hourly when exercising. And plenty of fluids. Your body is at its worst dehydrated, so help it out and drink plenty of water.
It's all about moderation. Eating foods that are high in sugar causes our blood sugar levels to rise rapidly. So when they start to return to normal, the drop is bigger and therefore more noticeable. Just keep things on an even keel. There's no need to cut out all sugars at all - just be sensible and eat in moderation.

Like SatNav says, choose foods which are rich in both rapid and slow-release carbs to keep you fuelled. Little and often is the key.
My niece is a juvenile diabetic, she had that since it was discovered when she was 15. Her problem is not much of hyperglycemia but more of hypoglycemia where the blood sugar dips so low that it is in a critical level. My sister who is a nurse would wake up her daughter at midnight to check her blood sugar. And if it is dangerously low, she would give my niece Coke to drink. That would spike the blood sugar to go back up the normal level. Another diabetic who drinks Coke for hypoglycemia is Gary Valenciano, a popular singer here.
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