I found an incredible website about cheese!


16 Nov 2014
Local time
3:17 PM
Washington, USA
I was doing some research on cheese yesterday for some writing I am doing and came across a website www.cheese.com and it is the most amazing cheese website ever! It has just about every cheese you can think of on there along with pictures, descriptions, and country of origin. I might be the last person in the world to have discovered this website, but I thought I would share it with you all incase there is someone else who did not know it existed.
thats quite a list on that site,even got the range of cheeses that a local chap i buy off
That is why I shared it with everyone, it is amazing. It even lists the non cows milk cheeses for those who are allergic to cows milk dairy. I have found some cheeses that I now want to try.
I was doing some research on cheese yesterday for some writing I am doing and came across a website www.cheese.com and it is the most amazing cheese website ever! It has just about every cheese you can think of on there along with pictures, descriptions, and country of origin. I might be the last person in the world to have discovered this website, but I thought I would share it with you all incase there is someone else who did not know it existed.

Great find!! Saved it in the Favorites folder. :wink:
I agree with all. It's a great find. I will stop and spend some time looking through it thoroughly. I am such a cheese addict I could spend all day looking at the site. Last time I saw so much cheese was more than 20 years ago in Holland. I was like a baby in a candy shop as I remember it.
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