Ice Cream Machines


Senior Member
23 May 2019
Local time
5:44 AM
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Who here has an ice cream machine?
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I often toyed with the idea when I had kids at home - but nowadays its not worth me having one as I don't really eat sweet things and nor does my partner. I think they are a great idea though - saves all the stirring/churning you have to do to break up crystals.

Last time I made ice-cream was over a year ago - it was a dramatic crowd splitter (no churn recipe). Tonka Bean and Bamboo Charcoal Ice-cream:

Not any more. Oddly enough, we took it out of the cupboard a couple of weeks ago for the first time in about ten years. It didn't work. Lots of whirring but no paddle action - I think the gears were stripped. Unlikely to replace it.
Some where around here. We don't eat much ice cream anymore and the groceries often have Ben and Jerry's or Haagen Dazs on BOGO.
Here's what mine looks like:


I have never put sprinkles or anything of the kind in the side compartments. I have also never used the dispenser lever on the right to fill up an ice cream cone. The entire purpose of this machine, in my mind, is to churn the ice cream. The custard is chilled first in the freezer, and then poured in the top to be churned. Relying on the ice cream bowl itself (inside the upper part) to freeze the custard has never gotten it to the consistency I want. It only cost me $40 (plus another $20 for the ice cream bowl), so it was definitely money well-spent. With the weather warming up (slowly though it has), it's about time to make my first batch of the year. Thanks for the reminder!
I never did like those machines that force you to pre-freeze the bowl first before making the ice cream. That takes as long as 8 hours to get it frozen!! Then after you make the frozen confection, if you want to do another batch, & you don't already have another bowl in the freezer, you have to pre-freeze it again for another 8 hours!!

This method is too time-consuming, if not practical. And even doing it that way, takes up valuable space in the freezer for the ice cream itself!! That is why I like the self-contained units. They have their own sealed refrigerating system built into them!! Like an air conditioner does. :wink:
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I have a brand new one here from my kids, I havnt used it yet. It's about 3 years old. I must try it sometime. Wife and I arent really big on desserts.

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