International Region Cuisine Recipes Monthly Tryout


Disabled and Retired Veteran
18 Dec 2017
Local time
11:40 PM
I would like to propose an 'International Regional Cuisine Monthly Tryout' thread.

Each month, a different region in world would be picked and members would be invited to submit 1 (only 1) recipe particular to that region (with or without their specific alternations or enhancements). They ought to provide some background or history for the tradition of the recipe and in the appropriate category, a linked recipe.

The regions (not countries) can be picked by a member chosen by the previous top choice in the prior month who would like the recipe challenge be judge for the month.

Ingredients are not the element of concern, the region of the world is.

The first month's judge would start the ball rolling as one of our moderators.
Mod.Comment: Ideas such as this should be run past moderators before proposing on the forum

Please note that we already have 2 'challenges' which operate in a similar way. The CookingBites Cookalong and Dish of the Month. Neither have been running for a while but can easily be re-instated.

I don't think another competitive challenge would be useful. We already have the CookingBites recipe challenge which has fluctuating participation and I don't feel we are in a position to introduce another.

The concept of a regional dish could be incorporated in Dish of the Month if enough members are interested.
Mod.Comment: Ideas such as this should be run past moderators before proposing on the forum

Please note that we already have 2 'challenges' which operate in a similar way. The CookingBites Cookalong and Dish of the Month. Neither have been running for a while but can easily be re-instated.

I don't think another competitive challenge would be useful. We already have the CookingBites recipe challenge which has fluctuating participation and I don't feel we are in a position to introduce another.

The concept of a regional dish could be incorporated in Dish of the Month if enough members are interested.

Fair enough. I feel that exploring regional cuisines on a periodic basis would be good to expand my knowledge and capacities for meals. I'll pursue it on my own, I suppose.

At the moment, I am researching South East Asia (Thai, Burmese, Maylay and Indonesian) cuisine to find some refreshment in my meals.
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