Is it difficult for you to not eat meat?


28 Nov 2014
Local time
12:19 AM
I know a vegan diet is better for you than eating meat. I also know there are plenty of non-animal proteins out there like soy and garbanzos. I went three months without touching meat or meat-flavored food. I did well for awhile, but then it seemed that I started craving sweets more. I don't know if there is something in meat that your body digests that is similar? If you have not always been a vegan but stopped eating meat, is it hard to stay on track? I eventually lost my motivation, and began eating steaks again.
I never had a problem turning vegetarian at the age of 11. I never craved meat and have never needed to eat it either. I turned vegan a number of years ago and giving up cheese was much harder. Sadly, it had given me up rather than the other way around so it is not like I can actually eat cheese, just miss it.

I do feel however, from your question that you don't know the difference between vegetarian and vegan, or that both of them are not simply a case of giving up meat. Any flesh, so fish and insects are also included, plus all animal products that result in the death of the animal concerned are included in being vegetarian. Bring vegan excludes any animal derived products including milk, honey, eggs etc.

Also both are not just a case of consumption of animal products but a complete avoidance of using said products in your life, so exclude leather from your life as well. Otherwise you are known as a dietary vegetarian or dietary vegan.
It depends on your lifestyle, how much time you have to shop and cook and what food is available where you live. In some rural places, it can be difficult, but not impossible as vegetables, potatoes, rice and pasta can always make up a meal. You do need to balance your diet with enough protein, either with combining proteins or using alternatives like soya or tofu.

I never found it hard, because I don't deprive myself of foods like pizza or garden/veggie burgers with fries. They are still vegan/vegetarian!
I was a vegetarian for over seven years and it was very rare for me to actually crave or want to eat meat. I guess you just get used to things, honestly. And it helped that I live in an area that is very vegan and vegetarian friendly. I am enjoying eating meat these days, though! :wink:
ln the past 30 years l have eaten red meat on a very few occasions and l have only eaten chicken in dishes cooked by other people.

l really love vegetables and am perfectly happy to eat a meal made only with vegetables or vegetables with beans, lentils, rice or pasta. l make my own sauces for vegetable dishes and l like to use different spices. l certainly don't miss meat.

I can't stand the smell of meat, raw or cooked.
I used to be a vegetarian and then I went back to eating meat for some reason. It was really hard for me not to eat meat because I love the taste of it so much. I have once again cut back on my meat intake, but it is because meat is getting very expensive to buy. I feel a little lighter these days.
I know a vegan diet is better for you than eating meat. I also know there are plenty of non-animal proteins out there like soy and garbanzos. I went three months without touching meat or meat-flavored food. I did well for awhile, but then it seemed that I started craving sweets more. I don't know if there is something in meat that your body digests that is similar? If you have not always been a vegan but stopped eating meat, is it hard to stay on track? I eventually lost my motivation, and began eating steaks again.
It's mind over matter. As I look back, It was only hard because I was making it hard. You have to rethink your concept of food for the vegan life to really work. The vegan market has only grown over the pass few years, you have some great non- meat options on the market. You may have to learn how to make these foods from scratch but its worth it. I'm going to add some all vegan food pics to this post, that a meat eater would love. The part that makes the meat taste good is the seasoning and guess where that comes from, Nature.


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