Is it hard for you to eat other people's cooking?

15 Sep 2013
Local time
2:42 AM
If you're really into your own style of cooking, and you have high standards due to how talented you are in the kitchen, is it hard for you to get into other people's cooking? My father-in-law was a professional Italian chef for years, and my fiance is a great chef as well. However, they have a hard time eating each other's foods because they can't help but criticize one another, or say what they would have done differently. Is it hard for you to eat a meal that someone else cooked, knowing you would do something differently?
Yeah it's hard for me because I am use to eating foods prepared a certain way. I try to do my food the way my mom did it and sometimes it turns out good if not better. I have eaten other peoples cooking before and I like some but not all. The only thing I will not eat for any reason is someone elses potato salad. I made the mistake of eating a friends potato salad and I was sick the rest of the day became she put something in it I couldn't eat.
Of course it's not hard! It's kind of a silly question really, are there really people who consider food something that ONLY they can make? Jeez, sure it might taste a bit different when someone else makes it... but isn't that the point? To try different versions or to discover completely new dishes?

I could never ever eat only food that I cooked. I'd miss out on so many things.
I am actually always excited to try what others make .I like to try new things but I know my husband is super picky. His auntie is a good cook especially cheesy potato so every where we've been invited for any event that has cheesy potato,he'd say how it's nothing compare to his auntie's.
It can be very difficult for me to eat other people's food because I eat a very clean and primarily vegan diet. Therefore, I don't like the idea of eating ingredients I don't view as being healthy for my body. Furthermore, if I'm going to really indulge on food I really want it to be something I absolutely love. But it isn't really about being critical of the cooking, it is more the ingredients used that bothers me the most. But I still always eat the food to not be rude and because I'm grateful someone wants to prepare me food.
I'm not saying other people's cooking is bad. I have eaten lots of dishes cooked by other people and loved it. I have also asked for the recipe for their dish as well, so I know that everyone cooks different and some people can make a dish better than yours. Also you have to be careful about that person as well because not everyone is a clean cook if you know what I mean.
I have been spoiled by my own cooking, and my mom's cooking (she taught me everything I know). I love my wife and her family but she can't cook and they REALLY can't cook. I'm telling you...last Thanksgiving the ham was gray. I asked my wife while we are in line waiting for food, "what is that?!"

She wasn't sure. So she asked in a nice indirect way, and they said it was ham. Gray ham.

I don't even consider myself to be a food snob either. But boiling meat is never good. They are a big family too, so you would think someone would have said something by now. Because year after mind-numbing year it is always the same.
I am a simple person. If someone is kind enough to prepare food for me I will honour them by enjoying eating* it.

*Unless it contains raw milk, insects, scrambled eggs, anything still living, is soggy when it should be crisp, when it is more charred then not, and when it is likely to make me ill.
I am a simple person. If someone is kind enough to prepare food for me I will honour them by enjoying eating* it.

*Unless it contains raw milk, insects, scrambled eggs, anything still living, is soggy when it should be crisp, when it is more charred then not, and when it is likely to make me ill.
Nice touch with the *
The truth is that I only eat my mother's and grandmother's cooking apart from what I cook. I find it hard to eat anybody else's cooking especially if they are people who have never cooked for me yet and I don't know what to expect. Some people use too much salt or seasoning while cooking and that is something that I don't like. I am very fussy when it comes to eating, I do not eat everything and if the food put in front of me doesn't taste like what I'm used to, then I definitely will not eat it. I also have Chron's disease so whenever something is too salty or seasoned too much then my stomach hurts this is why I have to be careful with what I eat, how the food is made and by whom.
I find it very difficult to eat anyones elses cooking except for my husbands because of my dairy allergy (as well as being vegetarian, so effectively vegan). Also I can't have quite a few other foods as well (bananas and many other fruits, anything too acidic.... the list goes on), so if we do eat out, we have to make sure it is a vegetarian resturant that serves vegan food and that there is actually something on the menu I can eat - this usually has to be done in advance.
Eating other people's food can be a nightmare from that point of view... I have to double check everything, - was the cake made with butter or marg, Marg OK what marg because a lot of marg now has dairy in it... and so we go on, even bread and homemade jam can not be taken for granted because dairy crops up in that as well, so bread & jam sandwiches can actually cause me issues even though they should not!
If you're really into your own style of cooking, and you have high standards due to how talented you are in the kitchen, is it hard for you to get into other people's cooking?

I don't have trouble eating other people's cooking... in fact, it's one of my favorite things to do... finding out how other people cook... their methods, spices used, etc

That also allows me to be introduced to new recipes. Eating what others have cooked tends to prevent getting tired of the "same old same old." I love getting new ideas from watching others in the kitchen. :)
Not unless their cooking is astonishingly bad. A friend of mine, for example, is an insufferable cheapskate (and a major slob), so I literally get nauseous at he thought of eating something he's cooked for one of his parties. He cuts corners every way possible, even it it is very unsanitary. My sister is also a really lousy cook, and she usually ties up the kitchen during the holidays making some big overwrought cooking project that nobody wants to eat. She doesn't no when to stop and has to over do and fuss up everything with unnecessary cooking techniques and ingredients.
I have decided that I am only eating cooking done by me or my sister. I ate something made by a friend and I was sick the whole night. After that I decided that I wouldn't do it again.
I never pass adverse comment on peoples food and am quite a realist,I am just happy to sit down with friends and family,have a drink and chat,a lot of people on the other hand are nervous about me going to their house to eat as they have probably been to my restaurant or home,as i am a chef!!!
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