Is it just me - or do pips take all the fun out of eating oranges and grapes?


Supersize Me!
11 Aug 2014
Local time
6:02 AM
I love oranges, satsumas, tangerines, and grapes but only the seedless variety.

Whenever I get a pipped (is that even a word?) grape or orange I end up moving them around in my mouth to manipulate the pip to the front and it takes all the enjoyment out of eating it.

How about you?
I am a lover of oranges and tangerines, grapes to a lesser extent; I seldom eat grapes, and when I do, I too prefer the seedless ones. I agree that the pips in fruit can be annoying at times and are not something that can be easily swallowed. But I do not let that stop me from enjoying the fruit...I just eat what I can and get rid of the rest. Squeezing an orange can also be a good alternative and I do that with my oranges sometimes. Where seeds in grapes are concerned, I think that is even more annoying than the pips.
It's you. without the pips how would the plant survive?
When I was in Greece & Turkey (whilst cycling around the world) the fresh oranges from the side of the road were amazing. they had way more pips in that in the UK, but you just peel the orange, pull it into segments and you can easily see the pips and removed them before eating the segment. sadly oranges do not taste anywhere near as good in the UK as they did fresh of the trees.... I shall just have to get back on my bike again once the money tree has seeded... :D
I usually cut grapes in two and remove the seeds with the tip of a knife. I don't eat big oranges and prefer the smaller varieties, which usually don't have many pips. Orange pips can be removed before popping in the mouth if you cut each segment open to remove them. I know this means extra preparation but if you or your guests really don't like the pips they do not have to be a problem.
I can totally relate. I particularly love eating grapes and oranges and if it were possible, I'd buy the seedless varieties all the time. Unfortunately, we have miserly groceries here in my country so they seldom sell seedless grapes and I've never seen any of them selling seedless oranges. It's a hassle to keep spitting the seeds out. You obviously can't eat them lest you ruin your appendix.
i think the word you are looking for is pits? Anyway, I agree. I can't enjoy my fruit when I constantly have to deal with the seeds, and I especially hate it in watermelon, which is why I try and take out all the seeds first before gorging in. I also feel the same way about fish for the same reason and it's why I'm very picky with the type of fish I use.
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